An excellent insight into the medieval study of links between Church and State Yves Nielke returns with his debut King and heretic freedom and bondage”a successful and realistic representation of medieval events in the years 1368-1415. He is an authentic insight into the relations of Church and State, the abuse of power, arrogance, violence, as well as in the intrigues of the spiritual and temporal rulers in well understood and romanhafter language. Individual fates, in particular that of the dedicated Bohemian Christians of Jan Hus, which is fighting on the front lines and the worldly possession of the Church, the greed of the Klerusund whose truck life denounced, are central focus of this novel. Click read more for additional related pages. Hus fought passionately for a reform of the verweltlichtenKirche, performed for the Gewissensfreiheitein and saw in the Bible the only authority in questions of faith, in contrast to the doctrine of the Church. And he argued very dangerous for him at that time that a heavy Sin living and worldly Vices of that church officials had forfeited his Office. That’s why he fought under great reception from the local population until his death by burning in 1415. Learn more at: Jonah Bloom. The tragic novel shows but also the seedy and ultimately powerless and torn by the secular and ecclesiastical intrigues back and forth at that time King of Saint Roman Empire German nation, Sigismund, who long before the large and long-standing Council convened by him to Konstanz had much sympathy for Jan Hus, but dropped it during the Council eventually and thus broke his promise of free passage to the Council and back to Bohemia. Overall this novel the same dilemma and the tragedy of the story shows graphically and vividly, namely the arbitrariness of the ruling and a divided Church, which, contrary to its noble ideals and the claim of the Gospel, often with extreme ruthlessness and in absolute self-interest acted – compared to the powerlessness of the God-fearing people and of individuals. .