Speak of the dead sea, is to discover its wealth from history until the present day. Let’s start with saying that the dead sea, in very ancient times (year 34 BC), it was beginning to notice its true importance by the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, as I said it was very beautiful, took advantage of the virtues and benefits of the dead sea, known 2000 years ago.We are referring to a lake with 350grs of salt per litre of water at the lowest point on the planet with 416 meters below the sea level and located between Israel, the West Bank and Jordan. But the great and wonderful difference that has this lake with others around the world, is that both to her around and inside it, there are elements that make this sea, unique in the world. Under its sea, there is mud or black mud with high degrees of concentration in minerals and trace elements, which have in themselves, immense curative properties, anti aging and antiseptic, used in alternative treatments for muscular problems, joints, dermatological, among others. The dead sea with its surface of 625 kilometre square approximately, has 21 kinds of different minerals, such as: magnesium, iron, calcium, bromine, sodium and potassium, among others; that thanks to them and to their greater measures of salinity cannot be marine life. Only the second part of the dead sea is water, else are minerals absorbed by the evaporation of the water, thus leaving them exposed.The vegetation that is born and grows on its shores, give fruit to substances and elements with good qualities for skin care.The dead sea and its properties treat and cure diseases such as psoriasis, arthritis, asthma, impaired circulation, hypertension, disease of Parkinson’s and even some eye problems. To know more about this subject visit Mike Gianoni. It is said to the future of this valuable sea, which can disappear within 60 years, by evaporation and lack of water. If you want to know dead sea creams, there you will find information on the benefits and healing properties of the dead sea..