Online travel agent compares hotel prices on its own platform with the prices of competitors London, June 29, 2009: the British travel intelligence group (TIG) has implemented leading technology to the competitive intelligence, to secure the competitiveness of their offerings. The travel agents specially for boutique and luxury hotels currently offers booking options for 400 hotels around the world and provides critiques and recommendations from selected authors parallel the. To keep prices of hotel partners in the picture, the TIG has chosen the software RTWeb from the successful RateTiger product series. The ist allows RTWeb to monitor room rates on the platforms of competitors (other online travel agents) and to compare the rates offered on. The information be collected via an interface in real time, to provide an actual picture of the market situation on demand. Marin Muyser, CEO of TIG, commented on the background of the partnership: in the last We were able to expand significantly our business 12 months. It is increasingly necessary to compare the individual houses and fully to observe the competition.” The decision for the RateTiger explains Muyser as follows: today consumer portals such as E.g. Trivago within seconds get an overview of the prices of a hotel booking platforms.
Rate parity across all platforms is absolutely necessary in this context for our hotel partners. Without information about room rates with other travel agents, we can make sure no optimal positioning our offerings on the market today and guarantee no competitive offering to our customers. RateTiger products have proved themselves over the years as effective tools to ensure rate parity. Thanks to RTWeb we can throw any time a comprehensive and up-to-date look at the online market in the luxury segment and make sure to offer attractive benefits to our customers.” The proportion of online booked hotel rooms in 2008 was 26% of the travel market. Given hundreds online travel agencies about their offerings, the consumer receives a transparent overview in a very short time, the Internet is becoming an increasingly competitive sales platform. Sascha Hausmann, COO RateTiger, notes: online entrepreneurs need to the behavior of their customers adapt to, if you want to succeed in the long term. Hoteliers and hotel customers learn more and more to their advantage to make use of the Internet. It is absolutely essential to know how to behave-listed hotels and competitor for travel agents. Thanks to the always current information about the listed hotels, room rates offered in the Internet ist can make quickly and reliably strategic decisions in relation to these hotels.” More information under: by Jasmine Keller