Derdulla Shutter

The company Derdulla shutter purchase E.k.. continues your growth rate. Delivery times could be reduced through the expansion of our staff tribe and the acquisition of production facilities. Currently, these are average in 7 working days. With capacity for even shorter-term delivery times can be made free. Construction companies and craftsmen like to accept this offer. The roller shutter is often the last unit on the home that will be completed, so the companies can quickly complete your construction project and passed to the builders. New in the product range, extruded roller shutter.

Skilled artisans can reach with this stem shutter the recommended class WK II. For wind load classes usual in Germany, small roller shutters, to 8.5 square metres of space, can be built with this material. Ideal for Garagenrolltore and showcase. The main advantage of our PE is the small diameter of the coiled blind tank 41 roller shutter profile. At a height of 2.8 m is only a 20.5 inch large roller shutter box required. All items and spare parts can be safely and conveniently via our online shop configured and ordered. Derdulla shutter purchase E.k..

Plauen str. 163-165 House D 13053 Berlin Manager and contact person for press releases: D. Derdulla Tel. 030/97895015 website and online shop: contact E-mail: Derdulla shutter purchase E.k.. was founded in the year 2006. The main distribution channel is as online shop over the Internet.