Do you mean by intelligence? With that associated the word intelligence? most people associate intelligence to the ability to respond to the demands that the everyday world offers. Intelligence in an individual capacity, indicated came, in most part, by your IQ. People with a high IQ usually ended with better paid jobs and those who had a low IQ, were simpler and less remunerated tasks. But it is believed that in the future only 25 percent of the factors that determine success are associated with IQ. And the remaining 75 per cent will be linked to factors of emotional intelligence. Former classification between smart and dumb people, is leaving have exclusive validity. He has since discovered that the ready were not all that supposed and fools gave their surprises. What before had the primacy has passed to background and other factors, have become more relevant.
A paradigm shift has occurred and this intelligence based on the intellectual concept, has gone to one that takes more account of the emotions, feelings, attitudes, i.e. emotional intelligence. (Similarly see: Lakshman Achuthan ). The I.E. breaks schemes established so far. The intellectual ratio matter less than the emotions and feelings, is emotional intelligence which can recognize and govern emotions, giving them the appropriate role in every moment of life. The I.E. teaches us to differentiate the intrarrelacion of the interrelationship, advising us act first in us (domain of oneself) to do so later in relationships with others, in this case our collaborators (effectiveness in relationships with other people). Success with others lies in achieving changes in the internal of the individual.
If we look at the history, this has always been so and the successful and millionaires in all areas of life have always had highly magnetic personalities and respect for others. It is known for example that the patients they denounce doctors for malpractice not in Yes, malpractice, but by inadequate attitude towards patients. A doctor charismatic, although Comet errors won’t, mostly reported by patients. From there success with people and success in general base in developing these domestic skills as charisma, self-esteem, empathy, etc. Perhaps check out Mike Gianoni for more information. you would like to develop those skills?. In his book the power to transform our lives, Andrew Corentt presents tools and techniques to develop those capabilities that lead to a high personal development and which produces acceptance, respect and affection on the part of others. If you want to go further, if you become someone who literally seduce others, then should use tools specifically designed pair East end.