CMMS As A Challenge

CMMS dar as an efficient information and knowledge management of plant operators in the global market challenge information transparency and information management for national and international companies is a major challenge. To act successfully in the highly competitive global market, an efficient mandatory production control requires. In the field of external requirements, business objectives and statutory provisions, a system must run productive, cost effective and also flexible. Other requirements are the continuous increase of the operation and productivity times while reducing the machinery, plant shutdowns and reduce maintenance costs. Parallel to this, the safety of installations by continuous accident reduction and implementation of legal and environmental requirements must be ensured. These requirements must be guaranteed over the whole life-cycle of the plant and meets.

To meet these challenges put many companies on the use of computer-based maintenance systems. Computerized Maintanace management systems (). CMMS systems should, according to the different approaches of planed asset management that support management of all production plants, the optimization of the targeted use of the assets and the increased of opportunities of of use of. The optimization of KVPs, maintenance and information plans, documentation management and statistical analyses should be imaged by the usage of various software tools. Each company has responded here to your own individual requirements. As a result, we have a technical heterogeneity in most companies. There are different systems for the Organization of the company as to the actual operation of the plants. Perhaps check out Mike Gianoni for more information.

Different operating systems and hardware platforms in conjunction with syntactic and semantic heterogeneity led to a culture of island solutions training in many companies. Many employees have, parallel to the leading systems used, own individual solutions. Consequently, companies are now faced with a dilemma. On the one hand to drown”literally in a flood of information. at the same time suffering a lack of relevant and meaningful information. Process – and system-related data are not centrally managed, but scattered across many media and individual solutions across the enterprise. The data quality (data quality) is a cost factor should not be underestimated. The quality of the data and information decides on an efficient and effective preparation, planning and implementation of plant – and business-relevant decisions. A flexible response to situational processes, targeted technical solutions and cost-efficient use of resources is complicated by the lack of quality of information. Independently operated maintenance and corporate strategy an employed software system must not only the complexity of the immense processes mapping, but process-related information capture, edit, ergonomically prepare and effectively expose. While the previously separate information systems must be integrated. Goals should be standardised communication and work processes that can be communicated internally and externally. All relevant and central information must be available and can be displayed at any time, so that process – and solution-oriented decisions calculated can be made. Ideally, you should cast sequential activities in parallel. Another advantage of this information management I call it information logistics is the sustainable protection of knowledge and corporate Know-How. Knowledge management and transparency of information belong to the basic capital of a company and provide the basis to operate scheduled plant availability and efficient cost control. Such systems are now successfully offered on the market.

Shrink Treatment For Presentations And Fun Files

PowerPoint Minimizer of zoneLINK he shrinks the giant files automatically to one twentieth, will let the appearance but untouched. Ulm – almost as long also the ability to zip large files as there are PCs, is it”so to put into relatively small archives. Most only take time to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Angus King. Test-Commercial-Deliveries.html’>UPS!). Dow has compatible beliefs. For example, the colleague who sends his new presentation e-mail the entire team. Or the colleague who sent a slideshow backed with music full of funny and cute animal photos to ten friends. It bothers the receiver but when giant mail paralyze their E-Mail traffic.

And also some IT Department should have complained already mail around to the whole company of unnecessarily large mails, which block the network. zoneLINK is now bringing the solution on the market. PowerPoint Minimizer sending nor retrieving presentations requires additional effort and the file as they can be up to 96 percent is just small. The trick: Powerpoint Minimizer optimized Space-eating images in presentations and is thus vastly superior forest and meadows Pack programs. Who has sent his emails with Outlook and install zoneLINK PowerPoint Minimizer, must lift a finger, so that presentations and fun files are reduced in size before sending to a minimum. PowerPoint Minimizer detects when Outlook presentations are sent and automatically reduce the size of the file. Who manufactures presentations themselves, can start directly in the manufacturing program, PowerPoint, the shrink diet for the presentation. Third possibility: letting zoneLINK search all presentations existing on the computer PowerPoint Minimizer.

It marks a presentation file or simply all presentations that there are. On a single click and reduced the PowerPoint Minimizer if you wish all presentations in a single step and displays how much space you have won this. Easier it is not the program at a price of 29.99 Euros comes with pleasing few Operating elements out. The name PowerPoint Minimizer suggests, though, that optimizes the software PowerPoint presentations. It presentation but also in the location,”to shrink, which were produced with the free open-source Office program OpenOffice or StarOffice. “Here an overview of the most important features of the program: reduced presentations by up to 96 percent the file format is maintained, unlike as if zipping”, the receiver needs no additional program so, to open the file shortened immediately understandable user interface shrinks on transmission and loading multiples wish several presentations at the same time (batch processing) three preset levels of reduction offers, also a freely adjustable compression Outlook add-in to automatically shrink before sending email search wizard, which scans the computer shrink from OpenOffice presentations after presentations and also possible StarOffice presentations in the new PowerPoint2007 formats can also already optimized (formats .pptx, .ppsx, .ppsm, .potx, and .pptm and .potm) are system requirements: processor: Pentium or compatible 1 GHz memory: from 256 MB of RAM supported operating systems: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP, Windows Vista supported versions of PowerPoint: PowerPoint 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, 2007 Outlook add-in to automatically shrink from presentations at the shipping supports the following Outlook versions: Outlook 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, 2007 price: 29,99 Euro ISBN: 978-3-940182-05-0 press contact: PR agency Xpand21 Doris of Orlando Langley schulstrasse 21 80634 Munich 089-12007277 Web: E-Mail:

Flat Tax

With the aim to optimise their customer service to the top issue “Flat tax”, the Cooperative Bank of Unterallgau, Mindelheim, has decided akwiso.finanz for the use of Internet-based contact management. Dietmannsried, January 14, 2008: Now 50 customer service representative of the southern financial institution for customer support on the contact database from akwiso to access. In addition, also integrated advertising portal, they have access to all advertising existing on the subject of “Withholding tax” and brochures. Other leaders such as KBS offer similar insights. Individual writing can be created just as quickly directly from the system such as form letters. So are account managers capable of fast and friendly service to respond to the wishes of the attractive target group good earner and maintain a continuous contact. A related site: Daryl Hagler mentions similar findings. In a second step, the expansion on all 180 customer service representative of the regional bank network is provided. The countdown has begun! On 01.01.2009, the withholding tax is introduced. Finally, all investment income with a flat-rate tax of 25% be plus Solidarity tax and church tax subject to taxation (approx.

28%). This is positive especially for people who currently have a personal income tax rate by over 28%, because these will less taxes to pay. As usual has the legislature incorporated but also falling, to get around it is to get into the “pleasure” of the new regime. The flat tax offers a superb occasion with their customers in the attractive target group good earners to seek talk individually to advise or to attract new customers with this in mind, to make them aware on the new legislation for banks and financial institutions. akwiso.Finanz special solution for greater flexibility and efficiency in customer service with akwiso.finanz the company offers akwiso banks and financial institutions a powerful instrument, to provide their sales teams with this necessary data and information and thus facilitate the contact and care. Through the Web-based user interface, he receives from akwiso.finanz A bank customer consultant the opportunity to see the contact information of its customers access to, or to access the entire customer file each time.

Only the contact data will be transferred in the system, sensitive data such as account balances and assets remain in the internal bank system. More information about akwiso.finanz, see the Internet under withholding tax on akwiso: akwiso was in a more than two-year development period by a group of sales and marketing professionals and in practice since 2005. Aim was to develop a user-friendly, effective and powerful Kontaktverwaltungs tool for marketing and sales. This, it seemed to choose the Internet as a platform and to offer the solution not as installable license solution, but as an Internet-based online service, which can be rented as needed. Meanwhile, nearly 200 companies from different industries use akwiso – and there are more every day. Focus on the use of akwiso are: sales management, execution and control of marketing campaigns Postqualifying fair contacts in call center and marketing services provider akwiso as a base platform for its customers. For more information see contact person for the press: Heike kareng H.K.P CONSULTING GMBH of Furstenrieder road 279a 81377 Munich Tel. + 49 (0) 89 3700-2800 fax. + 49 (0) 89 3700-2801 e-mail:

Potential Missing Control

Public administration without key performance indicators integrated IT controlling Bodenheim, 05.01.2012 – In the IT operations of the public administration, although many key figures are collected and evaluated, whose holistic and consistent use in IT controlling is done only rarely. Rather, they have a report only without continuous control in General. Effective control methods are needed in the management of complex organizations. Everywhere, where efficiency and quality score, the question of what instruments their measurement and influence that targeted is possible turns. An approach lies in the consistent application of indicator systems. Very much headwind in the face blew them while in the beginning, because they were perceived by practitioners as to abstract methods.

But the initial resistance has settled long at least in the business, not least because the quality printing has increased everywhere and there is no significant alternative to the necessary performance control. Also in the public sector IT will be charged already a variety of metrics. A well-known example is the processing time for resolving incidents. Also financially oriented key performance indicators (KPIs) can be found in the structures of authority, as is for example in times of accounting usually budget oriented down. However they are rarely used for strategic control. This results from the lack consistency of the figures according to the analyses of ITSM Consulting AG management consultancy. Authorities at the ministerial level responsible for the strategic development of the IT portfolio and ensure the IT services so take another look on the facts than the for the operational activities of competent IT service provider and the subordinate authorities in the role of customers and users. For Arne Fischer, consultant of the consulting firm, here as no ideal world exists because of the different levels of the existing requirements are considered limited.” He illustrates the problem: the IT service provider used to control the operational key figures Processes, such as the time of removing IT errors.

PdfaPilot With SharePoint Integration And Ready For The Cloud

Flagship product converted to software documents Callas within SharePoint environments for PDF/A – optimal load distribution for comprehensive conversion projects – using Amazon Web services enables additional application scenarios Berlin, 1 February 2012. The callas software GmbH (Hall 3, booth A18) shows at the CeBIT 2012, such as SharePoint-users can convert Microsoft Office documents directly to PDF/A. This makes possible pdfPilot a powerful solution of conversion and validation of PDF/A documents. With the new version it can be seamlessly integrated into SharePoint environments. Another new feature, which pdfPilot is available, is the distributed process of converting tasks across multiple servers (distributed processing). Click KBS to learn more. Thus, users can transfer very large jobs, for example, within a project or migrations to several computer and requirements thus temporary high throughput. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of here on most websites.

Finally, the pdfPilot, as one of the first PDF/A products is now ready for the cloud”. Specifically, the software for use anywhere on Amazon Web services available and is freely scalable. So can users convert tasks via the distributed processing in the cloud move and realize this any production scenarios throughput and cost-optimized. Callas pdfPilot is based on the same PDF/A technology, has integrated into its Acrobat Adobe. It is one of the established software products to the conversion and validation of PDF/A documents and is particularly appreciated for its product stability, performance, and reliability of companies and public institutions. With the current version 3.0, the developer of callas software access current trends, such as the increased use of Microsoft SharePoint and the cloud. So it is now possible to integrate the pdfPilot seamlessly into the SharePoint Server. Thus users can documents of different formats such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint for a safe at all times and directly in the collaboration environment Document exchange convert to PDF files or for long-term archiving in PDF/A compliant files. They are reproducible and Unicode support full text search bar always reliable on other platforms.

ERP Business

IT interactive portal sets new accents in the B2B communication that goes selectIT4 GmbH with its business portal for IT vendors and users new ways. The interactive portal offers a large portfolio of services for IT companies and professionals who strive for a comprehensive online communications, as well as use as a source for IT and organization platform for IT users, the selectIT4. We want to encourage people and businesses in the communications and the expansion and business relations lasting help, says Managing Director Holger Fulling. selectIT4 reacts with the integrated IT-business portal to fundamental changes in the IT market. On the one hand it will be increasingly difficult, with reasonable effort to generate leads, on the other hand more complex IT solutions for the IT provider and the software selection process for potential customers is always more complicated. During my professional experience in ERP distribution, I experienced almost daily, how hard is, for example, the topic of ERP for non-specialists to penetrate and How is the selection process difficult. Here we apply. With selectIT4 we have created a platform where users already received valuable assistance in the development phase of the project, by they integrated with other IT users about the business: talk exchange experiences.

Another valuable instrument for obtaining information is the document search. So IT users to useful information can access, free of charge provided by the IT providers”, explains Holger Fulling. IT companies such as software vendors and IT service providers can focus their integrated online marketing activities on selectIT4 and effectively present themselves. A private showroom with six areas available is the company for this purpose. We are proud to complete of our real-time evaluations. Thus, the IT company can live to measure the success of their portal activities and control.

After all tools are ready for use, the exciting phase, begins to new IT market place with life fill”, finally, according to the Managing Director. So the IT company optimally and their needs can present themselves, different product packages for software vendors and IT service providers are available. There are packages for startups and small businesses, to medium-sized and large enterprises. IT companies can selectIT4 – this businessportal. 30 day free trial. Detailed information about selectIT4 on. Press contact Ludwig app + 49 4954 30598-85 the selectIT4 GmbH selectIT4 provides a cross-media business portal and support people and businesses in the organisation and maintenance of existing and the development of new business relationships. The selectIT4 GmbH was founded in 2010 after an intensive development phase of experienced software and marketing experts in hesel (Germany) and focused their entrepreneurial orientation in the start-up! phase on the countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The managing partners are Ludwig app, Holger Fulling and Uwe Maha. All selectIT4 activities are shaped by our values, our philosophy and the concomitant, sustainable responsibility. We bear this responsibility with pride! The portfolio of services of selectIT4 is aimed at the two target groups: portal users and corporate customers.

Server VMware

New products at Thomas-Krenn.AG – now online Freyung, February 17, 2009 – Thomas Krenn 2U INTEL DUAL CPU SC823 Server VMware certified! Thomas Krenn expands the range of VMware certified servers. The 2U Intel dual-CPU SC823 server is the third VMware system of server specialists from the Bavarian Forest. Released long time for VMware Server, as well as the SR2500 server are modular. Three are thus now Thomas Krenn server systems on the hardware compatibility list (HCL) by VMware. More servers with VMware certification are planned for the next few months. “Virtualization is becoming increasingly important for our approximately 7,000 customers from day to day”, so Max Wittenzellner, Supervisory Board Chairman of Thomas-Krenn.AG.

“Compared to the traditional server environments, our customers appreciate the potential cost savings through virtualization. Often five to ten old server are replaced by a new one with virtualization. This creates space in the datacenter and it lowers the cost of electricity and air conditioning.” A dedicated team of specialists assists the Thomas-Krenn.AG the customers in the selection of suitable virtualization and Storageprodukte. Virtualization solutions from VMware, Virtual Iron (also with certified Thomas Krenn hardware) and Xen are to the portfolio. The 2U Intel Dual-CPU SC823 extended the VMware portfolio as third Thomas Krenn server on the VMware HCL. Thomas Krenn these Xeon server provides up to 60 months hardware support. In the VMware configuration, the system is already with an Adaptec series 5 RAID controller equipped. It accommodates up to 8 CPU cores, 32 GB of RAM and, for example, 1.5 TB SAS storage in the RAID5.

The 2U Intel dual CPU SC823 for VMware is 1,699 euros Excl. VAT now at Thomas Krenn available through Thomas-Krenn.AG that Thomas-Krenn.AG is one of Europe’s leading online stores for rack servers in sizes from 1 to 5 Hey and enterprise blade server systems as well as high availability clustering solutions. The young, founded in 2002, company supplies around 7,000 satisfied customers across Europe and generates annual sales with about 50 employees approx. EUR 12 million. The Thomas-Krenn.AG is Intel channel partner Premier members.

Apple Output

Vocabulary and their meanings are to speak only in the iPhone – and even gehts los. This “vocabulary” offers a new way of learning: Schliersee March 2011 – learning with even less effort is hardly to imagine: create Lernthema, questions and answers (vocabulary and meaning) record in as many records about earphone headset microphone – ready! And already you can use your current audio data from teaching, seminar or course within “Vocabulary” by clicking on 3 proven ways: 1) with the function “Listen” the vocabulary and their meanings in random order by speech output will be reproduced, similar to a modern, digital recorder. Because any instruction from you is required, this learning function (with a headset) on many occasions is: on the Sun on the beach, in the sun before the ski hut, while jogging, while biking, on the train, on the bus, ideal when driving – possibly via Bluetooth, or by using a small FM tuner over the car radio. Connect with other leaders such as Jonah Bloom here. Convenient learn to lesson Lesson. (2) with the function “Query” the questions and answers in random order by speech output render also, however, have here opportunity on each issue to think about. Only by clicking anywhere on the display is the reply said and then spent the next vocabulary question. This automatic query function can greatly increase your successes.

(3) with the function “Test” also the vocabulary and their meanings in random order by speech output will have reproduced, but here you only a few seconds time (adjustable) click to inform that the answer is known. If this time is exceeded, it leads to a negative assessment. Hereby you can assess your knowledge progress, because the result of the test is registered after every fully-guided cycle always on the home page of the programme in the form of a rating. Special features: For all three functions no eye contact to the iPod/iPhone is necessary to operate there for the not a few clicks was converted the entire display to a switch. Microphone or the built-in microphone of the headset supplied by Apple can be used in the voice recordings. Until April 30th, 2011 special price: 79 cents available in the app store: Web page: youTube video: watch?

Office Living

By Marcus Riel, CEO of Riel GmbH, transparent planning in toolmaking by MoldManager were “far exceeded expectations”, he sums up his experience. “We have optimized the capacity planning with IKOffice. Learn more on the subject from relocation strategies. It is now very easy to handle.” The Riel GmbH, the investment suspension within a few months. Markus Riel confirmed that IKOffice offers “A very good price/performance ratio and a very good service”. The enormous adaptability of the system accounts for the success of the great advantage of the IKOffice software is the adaptability of the system to the environment structure of the respective company.

Here, successful connections for example to existing solutions from SAP, SoftM and Infor have been realized in practice. In the design phase of the IKOffice MoldManagers a few years ago was already aware, that we may not exist as an isolated system on the market”explains Michael Kath, sales manager who is IKOffice GmbH. the success of the MoldManagers is justified, that he works both as a standalone ERP system and integrated planning solution for tool and mould making. About IKOffice: The IKOffice GmbH develops and sells industry-specific planning software IKOffice MoldManager for die and mould making. The software solution supports companies with process optimization of the quotation to resource planning. The enterprise software IKOffice LivingERP is a system to the optimization of all business processes.

Both systems can seamlessly merge to a comprehensive solution. IKOffice is characterized by customer orientation, advice and care. 2007 the company received the Special Prize for international alignment”the Annette & Gerd Schwandner Foundation for science and culture.

European Microsoft Innovation Center

“The seamless integration in the cloud services that support the Essentials version, facilitates the introduction and management of new cloud based applications. Especially companies who rely more on P2P structure, to achieve a qualitative leap in their IT infrastructure.” The Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials goes cloud Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials specifically designed as attractively as well as easy-to-manage solution for small businesses with up to 25 PC workstations. New is the possible connection to the cloud. As the demand for services is growing, the Essentials version was designed so that in the future, for example, Microsoft’s new online service Office 365 or more cloud solutions can be easily integrated. Data security and productive in the focus are as the standard version. Linked through automated backup of all PCs are backed up data daily and can use simple tools be restored at any time. In addition, employees have more flexibility and mobility through remote Web access. A personalized Web address offers access to relevant information and the time and location independent.

The Windows Small Business Server 2011 standard at a glance Windows Small Business Server 2011 standard is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses with up to 75 PC workstations. It offers many integrated technologies, such as Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 standard, SharePoint Foundation 2010 and Windows Server Update Services 3.0 in an affordable “all-in one” solution. Due to the scalability of the server platform, companies can at any time flexibly adjust IT to changing requirements. The standard version provides data and network protection and increased productivity within the company because it provides applications such as E-Mail, Internet connectivity, internal Web sites, remote access and file and printer sharing anywhere and at any time. Additional Information, photos and links to the two versions of the Windows Small Business Server 2011 see our top topic Microsoft solutions for mid-market”see: germany /… 2010-170 BusC Microsoft Germany GmbH Microsoft Germany GmbH is founded in 1983 subsidiary of the Microsoft Corporation/Redmond, U.S.A., the world’s leading manufacturer of standard software, services and solutions with 62,48 billion sales (fiscal year 2010; June 30, 2010).

Operating profit amounted to US$ 24.10 billion in fiscal 2010. In addition to the headquarters in Unterschleissheim near Munich, Microsoft Germany GmbH is represented throughout Germany with six regional offices and employs about 2,700 people. In conjunction with about 31,500 partners it serves companies of all industries and sizes. The European Microsoft Innovation Center (EMIC) in Aachen has research interests in security, privacy, mobility, mobile applications and Web services. Text on the Internet available at: germany/presseservice/news/pressemitteilung.