Child Ours Of Each Day

Child Ours of each day All we human beings already hear to speak that the children are the future of the world. I do not only obtain to understand as many children work instead of living its infancy and having a good education. Brazil in accordance with lives in great contrast the social classrooms, excluding great majority of the population to have a worthy life, where these families who do not have conditions to survive force the children to work thus to help in the house, extinguishing these children of an infancy where the trick is essence to give place to the work. The Infantile Work generates profit pra who explores poverty pra who is explored, is part of the Brazilian economic culture and is directly on to the enslaved work. To who it bothers the fight against the infantile work? It bothers to that if they bother with the fight against the enslaved work. It bothers to that if they bother with the fight against the degradante work. The combat to the infantile work bothers to who profits from the infantile work, to who it profits from the enslaved work and to who it profits from the work degradante. Necessary Brazil to invest in the executive and the media to finish with this exploration that ruins the image of the country and the life of these children, to break this barrier of the social inaquality and to provide a shining future to the country who today are 5 bigger economy of the world and still suffers with these problems that come if dragging throughout Brazilian history. Senator Angus King gathered all the information. To each new child who is born, she renewed the hopes of a people, therefore we must treat all n similar wayxs the children where they are innocent of everything what she happens and they do not know of where they come these differences, then are to have of all Brazilian watching over for our children.

Egyptian Discoveries

Austrian scientists have discovered in Egypt, a city that was founded Hyksos around 3500 years ago. Foreign invaders Hyksos (Tribal Union) came to Egypt from the Near East, and reign in the region for a century (1664-1569 years. BC). After the overthrow of the dynasty, the Hyksos Egyptians tried to erase all traces of their presence in the region, destroying buildings, washed mention of them in manuscripts. According to a press release from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, discovery was made by probing radar and magnetometers near the northern delta of the Nile River. Location of the town was known about since the 1960's 20 th century, has since been actively conducted his search. Now scientists trying to determine the boundaries of the town, which consisted of residential buildings, temples, streets, gardens, ports and cemeteries. When will the excavation Avaris not known previously to map the city and to estimate the amount of work.

Imperial State

While Brazil paid superior value for the importation, being obliged to appeal frequent loans, establishing economic dependence in relation to England. In this direction, Brazil did not continue dependent moving only of owner, being now English colony? An independent time, Brazil needed to create its Imperial State with its proper laws, powers and governing. With the French Revolution, a iluminista idea appears of that all the countries must have constitutions, that is, a document species, a contract between government and citizen. For creation of the Brazilian constitution of the Imperial State, a Constitutional conventional was elect, that if congregated in 1823 composed for ninety pertaining members of the house of representatives the aristocracy (great land proprietors, members of the Church, jurists) being this an indirect election. In the same year, a Project of Constitution for the member of the house of representatives was presented Antonio Carlos de Andrada, brother of Jose Bonifcio for quarrel between the members of the house of representatives, that detached two basic principles: the first one mentions it subordination of the Executive to the Legislative one, that is, the State would have to be controlled for the proper agricultural aristocracy. This test that the emperor could not dissolve the House of representatives and that the Armed Forces would be submitted to the Legislative one, not to the emperor.

As the principle foca the restriction of access to the life national politics of the majority of the Brazilian population, for the tax criterion, established for the elections. In other words, the voter or the candidate to the Legislative one would have to possess high incomes, obtained especially of agricultural activities. Being the incomes of the voters and candidates calculated for the total of its annual production, that would have to be equivalent to the production of alqueires of cassava. For this reason she was known as Constitution of the Cassava.

Modernista Movement

We will see that the events of the Week had finished inciting the antipassadistas certainties of the critical one of Sergio. After the disputes of the Municipal theatre, the tone with that starts to evaluate the aesthetic iderio of the movement, far from the imparcialidade that if waited of a critic, is already the tone of a interested partner of agitation more in the victory of its teses of what properly in the intellectual mritos of the exploit, what it is visible, for example, in notes and commentaries with that, in Klaxon, the Literary or same World in Purple Land, it made the propaganda of troupe of 22, detaching in each one of its members a new flash inflaming calls Brazil modern. In this instant we can observe Sergio radical Buarque, the abetter of agit-prop that then it escapes for halls of the Viennese Coffee in company of Mario, Oswald, of Guillermo de Almeida or Rubens Borba de Morais promising esdrxulos texts nor always written, to the side of other baffling ones, and effectively published, as F-1. This not to mention of the episode almost dramatical Antinous. Although determined for the unexpected strategy of the movement, we know that she was not small intellectual contribution of Sergio Buarque of Holland in this stage of the trajectory of 22. The dialogue initiated with Blaise Cendrans, the creation of the Aesthetic magazine, with Cautious of Moral Grandson, ' ' that they searched to alliviate the Modernista Movement of certain equvocos' ' , the revelation of the poetical sources of Manuel Flag, the precocious valuation of the structure without unit of the Miramar Joo, the recognition of a complex art-critical-research in expansion in the workmanship of Mario de Andrade is only some of the aspects that would add to the fisionomia of the modernismo the preconditions for the rumorosa interview-libel of 1925 in the Post office of the Morning, with Cautious of Moral Grandson, who launches the bases for the rupture that he would come in the following year with the article the side the opposite and other sides.

Rio De Janeiro

The naturalness, the passion, the pleasure, bourgeois are contrary to the puritano ideal; but if of the value to the self-control and what it confers prestige (HOBSBAWN, 2). In this context the marriage is an instrument of social ascension; a subject to be dealt with calculating form, where the passion can be one empecilho for one ‘ ‘ happy unio’ ‘. In the other extremity of the social scale, the hard conditions of work and life of the proletariat, in way to the hunger and the illnesses, go to be the starting point of projects of social reform, among which the socialist ideas of Karl will be distinguished Marx. Here it is the nascedouro of the syndical movements and the fight that it will force gradually been to regulate it the relations between workers and employers. Conclusion Is evident that the Industrial Revolution is one of the main axles of transformation of this gigantic process that conceives the world contemporary: fruit of the European commercial expansion and the ascension of a new social classroom, the plant goes to create a new model of society, capitalist; congregated to operate its machines, the laboring ones go to compose the force politics that it will dispute with bourgeois the o has controlled of the new industrial society; its differences will be one of the main components of the armed conflicts of century XX and the division of the world in two great systems politicians. Before this, however, the plant will be equipping the armies of the European imperialism pledged in an expansion to conquer over all new markets.

The imaginary one goes to see the plant as one of the great symbols of our society; the power of the nations goes to be measured by its capacity of industrialization. Enterprise management became one model for almost everything; in a certain direction, it is as if all the society if conceived as a gigantic plant, one arqutipo of the proper society. Bibliography BRESCIANI, Maria Stella Martins. London and Paris in century XIX: espetulo of the poverty. Brasiliense publishing company. DOBB, Maurice. The Evolution of the Capitalism. Rio De Janeiro, Zahar Publishing, 1983.

GAY, Peter. The Tender Passion, vol. 2. Cia. Of the Letters. HOBSBAWN, Eric. The Age of the Capital. Available in: consulted in 21/05/2011. HUBERMAN, Leo.

Byzantine Throne

The State Armory Museum of the Kremlin kept the "Big" sakkos Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, Photius (1408-1431), in which the satin gold, silver and silk threads embroidered on more than 100 images various gospel topics, reproducing the iconographic program of some kind of Constantinople (probably the palace) of the church. On one of these images in a rectangle is represented by the Byzantine imperial couple, with all its proper attributes, and the royal regalia, surrounded by halos, and accompanied by the relevant Greek inscriptions, which show that it was "John Palaeologus, in Christ God faithful basil" and his wife, "Anna Paleologina, pious August", ie the Byzantine emperor John VIII Palaeologus and his first wife, whose parents – Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily and Princess Sophia Vitovtovna – shows immediately to the right of Anne, but without the halos and accompanied by a Slavic inscriptions "Grand Prince Vasily," and "The Princess Sofia is great." This image is fraught with a kind of mystery – in science, the prevailing view that Anna never Byzantine Empress was, as she died in 1417, long before John Palaeologus was not only the "autocratic" emperor (1425), and co-regent (1421). "In the month of August (1417) died, and Mrs. Anna Majesty, that of Russia, the plague and was buried in the monastery of Lebanon "- indicates a Byzantine chronicler and a contemporary of George Sfrandzi. This reduction of the burial of Anna in the metropolitan monastery Lips or Lebanon (the tomb of emperor and the imperial name), confirmed by "walking" the monk Zosimus, who once accompanied the princess on the way from Moscow to Constantinople: "The Monastery zhensky Lipes, – he writes – Tuto lezhit Ruska Queen Anne, the great Moscow dschi Prince Vasily Dmitrievich.