Rio De Janeiro

The naturalness, the passion, the pleasure, bourgeois are contrary to the puritano ideal; but if of the value to the self-control and what it confers prestige (HOBSBAWN, 2). In this context the marriage is an instrument of social ascension; a subject to be dealt with calculating form, where the passion can be one empecilho for one ‘ ‘ happy unio’ ‘. In the other extremity of the social scale, the hard conditions of work and life of the proletariat, in way to the hunger and the illnesses, go to be the starting point of projects of social reform, among which the socialist ideas of Karl will be distinguished Marx. Here it is the nascedouro of the syndical movements and the fight that it will force gradually been to regulate it the relations between workers and employers. Conclusion Is evident that the Industrial Revolution is one of the main axles of transformation of this gigantic process that conceives the world contemporary: fruit of the European commercial expansion and the ascension of a new social classroom, the plant goes to create a new model of society, capitalist; congregated to operate its machines, the laboring ones go to compose the force politics that it will dispute with bourgeois the o has controlled of the new industrial society; its differences will be one of the main components of the armed conflicts of century XX and the division of the world in two great systems politicians. Before this, however, the plant will be equipping the armies of the European imperialism pledged in an expansion to conquer over all new markets.

The imaginary one goes to see the plant as one of the great symbols of our society; the power of the nations goes to be measured by its capacity of industrialization. Enterprise management became one model for almost everything; in a certain direction, it is as if all the society if conceived as a gigantic plant, one arqutipo of the proper society. Bibliography BRESCIANI, Maria Stella Martins. London and Paris in century XIX: espetulo of the poverty. Brasiliense publishing company. DOBB, Maurice. The Evolution of the Capitalism. Rio De Janeiro, Zahar Publishing, 1983.

GAY, Peter. The Tender Passion, vol. 2. Cia. Of the Letters. HOBSBAWN, Eric. The Age of the Capital. Available in: consulted in 21/05/2011. HUBERMAN, Leo.