
Teeth issues can be very distressing. Gemination: In one form enamel organ or attempt to form two teeth. It represents an incomplete division of a single tooth bud that gives rise to a crown bifida or the attempt to form two teeth from a tooth germ. Normally there is only a conduit. Called in literature “double tooth”, this is used to define both fusion and gemination for being a neutral term. Concrescence: Form of merger in which the teeth are united by the cement, usually occurs near the apical third and is more common in permanent maxillary molars. Concrescence true: The fusion process occurs during odontogenesis. Concrescence acquired: The fusion process occurs once it has completed the formation of roots.

Dilaceration: excessive angulation of the tooth root. Dens in Dente: the upper lateral incisors may present an invagination of the pit or pits cingular palate is particularly deep at times and leads to a chamber formed by invagination of the developing tooth germ. Type 1. Intussusception limited to the crown of the tooth. There may or may not communicate with the pulp.

Type 2. Extends apically to the cemento-enamel junction, but does not reach the periodontal ligament. Type 3. It extends the type 2 beyond the cemento-enamel junction, but communicates with the lateral or apical periodontium. This leads to a passageway of bacteria that compromises the future of the tooth. X-rays reveals a characteristic image that looks like a tooth within a tooth Taurodontism: Change the shape of the tooth for displaced furcation, or very near the apex.