Garden Decoration Creepers

Garlands of greenery and a cascade of bright colors, intricate weave of flexible shoots, juicy grapes, kiwi, passion fruit. We are accustomed to associate with lianas far warmer countries. On the Russian expanses these plants allocated unduly modest role, they mask the farm buildings and rickety fences. Today, developing a landscape design suburban area, the hedge into account not only as a fashion trend, but as a practical design direction. Vines are called a group of plants belonging to different botanical families, genera and species. Kornelazayuschie, usikonosnye, with the sucker, lean, curly, perennial and annual, herbaceous and woody, frost and heat-loving, they differ from each other structural features of the stem, which can not accept without outside support the upright position. Carrying out design landscaping, gardeners use these properties of lianas, as the rapid growth, the ability to entwine support any shape, as well as colorful flowering and fruiting.

Climbing roses adorned the famous gardens of Babylon, and during the Roman patricians strolling through the alleys, shaded with thick canopy of ivy and grapes. In France, in the era of Louis xiv, entwined with vines pavilions were places where romantic dates. Vines growing in almost every garden. They give site a unique flavor. Learn more about this with Senator from Maine. Most climbers are developing very quickly, which is essential for the development of allotments, deprived of high vegetation. Large-sized tree planting is very costly, and the young seedlings grow rather slowly, in this case are indispensable annual and perennial vines.

Annual Morning Glory, for example, in one summer may uvit support up to four meters, and the girl's grapes for two to three years full opletet arbor. Vertical gardening is very practical: taking a minimum of floor space, reduces noise and dust. Vines are good for strengthening the slopes of the ravine, masking hatch underground communications to protect buildings from heat and humidity. However, some vines are aggressive enough: penetrating into the cracks of wooden buildings, plants gradually destroy them. Apple, pear, braided vines, look nice, but for them this neighborhood can be deadly. Such vines, like clematis, climbing honeysuckle, sweet peas, morning glory and hops are dangerous for people prone to allergic diseases. Inappropriate cover the original gazebos or elegant house creepers. But dull brick wall, unattractive structure is desirable to make available to climbers. I'd rather choose a thick, but low-key plant – for example, a girl's grapes, lemongrass or drevogubets. Balcony or outdoor terrace are an extension of living space. The main task in the greening of these areas – lack of space, so it is best to use ampelnye and creepers. In suspended planters grow more annuals: ivy pelargonium, Chlorophytum, etc. Balsam form perfectly smooth and surprisingly beautiful balls; ampelnye fuchsia and petunias bright waves hanging almost to the ground. In a large balcony boxes coexist verbena, daisies, lobeline.