Fireplace Want

Before you pick up a fireplace, I will briefly talk about what they are. The main differences fireplaces – inserts on the material: cast iron insert, finished steel fireplaces (with cast-iron or fireclay lined firebox) and brick. Cast iron insert. As a rule, have a glass door. And have a high efficiency, which is achieved by heating the iron (the effect of "stove").

Heating is still burning wood and cast iron fireplace until cool. To increase the heat transfer You can additionally install the factory unit increase heat or lay brick heat shield. In the summer they will serve only as decoration. The disadvantages are their rapid clogging by soot, especially when the furnace raw wood with a moisture content of more than 15%. They require costly full factory equipment parts. They are usually used as an auxiliary system, which drowned in the coldest period and in temporary people stay. For finishing of cast iron inserts are factory cladding – design, having different looks and different material.

Also, they can impose a brick and trimmed to suit every taste. Prefabricated steel fireplaces. By essentially the same cast iron insert, but have already finished appearance. And as a rule do not require additional finishing. As well as cast iron inserts are high efficiency, by heating the metal elements. To increase the heat transfer Some models have the chimney liner (the total or individual items) from teploakkamuliruyuschih materials: ceramics, talkohlorida etc. The main advantage of these fireplaces is their relative speed and ease installation.

Landscape Design

And it's not just landscaping, a comprehensive approach to change in appearance, adjacent to the home territory, by active use of natural ingredients. Landscaping can make your garden a comfortable, beautiful and, most importantly, original and unique. Design projects before creating any project, whether it's normal repair apartment building or a shopping mall performer must provide the customer with their ideas, and to their embodiment in the life to discuss the full down to the smallest detail. After the customer as the main investor in construction and the most interested person should be confident that the expected results. With this purpose in the Middle Ages was introduced the term "design project". Design project – is the cornerstone on which to build the entire Further work on the design and construction of any object.

Design project offers the most complete picture of all customer idea and decisions prior to construction and finishing. A designer, in turn, based on compiled in advance design project can competently organize the sequence and the correctness of construction and finishing works. The working part of the project design includes drawings, diagrams, if possible, drawings – 3D model in which we can convey to the customer as much information and provide a complete final version of the object with all the colors and materials used. Drawings and schemes of the project design is always possible quickly and accurately determine the location of hidden utilities and structural elements. Interior Design Many people due to lack of time prefer to pay the money and rely on professionals who relieve them from all trouble, as soon as possible prepare and implement a full range of interior design.

Global construction market is currently just over-saturated with various materials and accessories. Simple a man who decided to make a repair in an office or apartment, to know all the nuances are not possible. Delve deeply into this structure can only people who work there all the time, watching the development of the market and, of course, have extensive experience in the design of interior design. Our company has more than 10 years of experience in design, as well as their full realization of design projects. We know perfectly well and is easy to focus all our attention, we have a huge database suppliers of building materials, decorative items and various accessories. SBS Group of Companies assumes implementation of all phases of interior design: the development of design ideas for your project – so known, preliminary design, selection of materials, selection of decorations, accessories and all furniture. In addition, we can develop exclusive furniture designs of your choice. We also assume obligations under the registration of all documents. Interior design originated in ancient times, when wealthy people decorated their homes, using different materials in the finishing. That materials used in finishing, and characterize trends in interior design … Landscape Design Landscape Design – first and foremost, the art of creating the nature around them. This is a special kind of activity aimed at creating an artificial environment to human life. The natural environment is characterized by the use of natural ingredients such as topography, water, vegetation, etc. Landscape design – is, first and foremost, the key to the harmony of the human soul. This is combination of landscape elements, in which there is a feeling of euphoria and calmness.