The Suffering Of The Hypochondriac

If constant fear of disease sick makes Jessica Hund says: in our society, often incomprehensible is placed hypochondriacs. Often they are not taken seriously, mocked and as * imaginary invalid * titled. But hypochondria is a serious psychic suffering and much more than just the imagination of diseases. >. Often those affected so much in a certain disease increase into it, that they – perceive the symptoms of this disease with him even though her body is perfectly healthy. If for example someone tells them of a heart attack, it often happens, that it a short time later perceive pain and tightness in the chest itself so much they amplify into in this disease.” Sylvia Poth continues: at the hypochondriac, you can see very clearly what a strong influence the subconscious mind on us humans can have: it can not only go so far, that certain symptoms manifest in the physical perception, but with strong negative thinking you can imagine indeed sick! Just as you can by positive thinking and faith in recovery can overcome even the heaviest diseases, so you can also have the opposite effect in the negative. Because what we think and what we believe, that automatically converts our subconscious. See Doug McMillon for more details and insights. It cannot what thoughts for us and which harm us differentiate it.

The fatal here is that hypochondriacs just by their constant negative thinking provoke that, what you want to avoid with a vengeance. People who suffer from hypochondria, often internally blocked a whole life long. Fear dominated their lives from diseases and infections so strong, that they are very limited and abstain from many things. Out of fear of contagion, some hypochondriac fear even among people to go. To live in constant fear and anxiety is very kraftraubend and grueling. To outsiders this is often difficult to understand.” Jessica Hund says: but you will hardly manage to take his fear the hypochondriac by cajoling or logical arguments. Can a person not give back his lost confidence. But it helps those affected often very understanding and empathetic with them bypasses and it is easy for them.” Sylvia Poth says: often it takes a considerable time until a hypochondriac is recognized as such by the doctors.

This is because that the doctors have to provide more and more patients and less and less time for related discussions. Examinations take place only in the chord and usually leaves the mental level altogether. So hypochondriac who often numerous visits to the doctor or even a real doctors-hopping behind until their suffering is recognized. Jessica Hund interjects: in this example you can see how important it is to reconsider the physical orientation unilateral in debt medicine and psychological dimension. Also hypochondriac could be detected early then receive a therapy tailored to them. It’s not easy, though, to be healed by the hypochondria, but there are now excellent and successful approaches to therapy. “And if it really has the will to do so and bring the necessary willingness to cooperate with the therapist, you can make it to rebuild a trusting relationship with his body and to overcome the hypochondria.” Sylvia Poth / Jessica dog