Thrombosis Prophylaxis

The care team informed Dolphin from Mannheim with thrombosis are among the leading causes of death. In particular in the progressive age. This is inter alia lies in the fact that this group of people is often restricted in their freedom of movement. And this is a factor that encourages blood clots in large extent. By the same author: Angus King. Therefore prophylactic measures are important to protect themselves. Informed of the risk of thrombosis, and what one of the preventive measures, the nursing service Dolphin from Mannheim. Risk of thrombosis thrombosis is a condition where it comes to an occlusion of a blood vessel by a blood clot or a thrombus.

A thrombosis can occur in any vessel, thrombosis of deep veins of the leg is very common. The danger is that a part of the blood clot loose and can move to the lungs or the brain and vital vessels clog. The primary objective of the thrombosis prophylaxis is to allow the undisturbed flow of blood and so life-threatening blood clots to prevent. This is especially in need of care, little moving due to the prescribed bed rest very important. Prevention through movement particularly elderly belong to the risk-prone person group, as any restriction of normal movement promotes a disease. It is important, therefore, that movement measures be performed also in confinement.

An outpatient care services is well trained in the thrombosis prophylaxis and taking measures such as the high camps of the legs, the circles to keep spreading the toes and techniques such as cycling the feet. If possible, the patient should also be if only for a short time. According to arrangement, also Antithrombosestrumpfe be used. Also a sufficient intake of fluid is as important as movement, so the blood will be protected before thickening. For detailed information about thrombosis prophylaxis and all services of maintenance service available Dolphin from Mannheim anytime.