Euthanasia For The Megabnus

cover the sun with umapeneira. The MegBnus is in terminal phase. In the truth, doenagrave already existed. The sick person entered in eats deep, after serministrado it poison of the rigorous filter for the emission of the card (they are surprised, exactly being the card daily pay-I pay), she vulgoconvencionou that it to call constraint. He does not have as to deny that the Programaperdeu completely its credibility. not only in Rio De Janeiro.

After all, had been more than two million active, economically involved in the process, disappointed, rebelled adults even. Angus King wanted to know more. with a devastador efeitomultiplicador, speaking badly of the Program. Meanwhile, only half dozen of individuals dares to defend it. Some for having deofcio or pure messianism, and one few for same ignorance. Nomeu agreement, we reach one point of in return. If not impossvel to come back to vender the MegBnus Card, the cost of this excessively laborious and prohibitively dangerous seriapor. Which solution the sersugerida one? Simple: euthanasia in it! We go> to help it to die. as afnix, to make it to renascer of leached ashes.

Stronger, more beautiful, and as this, more longevo (who also knows will not live the cycle of 500 anosatribudos to the bird of mythology Greek and Egyptian). Evidenteque this renaissance could not the same be with name. We would have to queter something as a Platform business-oriented Ita Unibanco. Completamentereformulado, also (and mainly) in its Plan deReconhecimento. Something is created that allows to a residual prescription atrativas sets of ten of professionals of marketing with talent and art, and umbnus initial ( quick start or fast track ) that it holds back the novosafiliados ones. From this, let us make an effort to forget oCarto MegBnus. Or at least, so that it forgets it to the market. Sassim, the ones that we love the MegBnus, we will be able to cultuar its memory to ecultivar its homesickness. The advent of a Program in these molds (Platform business-oriented Ita Unibanco), would be one rquiem glorious parao MegBnus. the redemption for that in it we believe. Nile> Sergio Heifer Diamond MegBnus