ETAGAIR – The Revival Of A Classic

The chrome shelf system from the 1960s successfully returns the system ETAGAIR in the 60s of the 20th century with the proviso designed to achieve highest possible stability and resilience. The requirement for the installation was an easy-to-use terminal connection without screws and accessories. Frequently Restaurant Michael Schwartz has said that publicly. The design should appear at the same time distinctive and transparent, thereby ensuring a timeless aesthetic. Function before design was at the time the success formula of the Regal classic. In the 1970s, the system ETAGAIR was discovered by architects, planners and fitters, who used the system with its manifold possibilities in almost all industrial sectors.

In the 1980s, there were the creative interior designers, who realized the desire to align ETAGAIR as residential and office furniture to the private area. The system ETAGAIR to high-tech wave Los kick was designed with this in mind. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Senator Angus King . The uniqueness of this shelving system is the claim it as a high-quality industrial products in the residential and office furniture range to insert. The ETAGAIR has always produced more than 92% in function are shelves after investigations. Today, the system ETAGAIR is a trademark of the classics under the steel shelves as furniture such as setting up a system recognized and does not change in its basic idea. On, it is now possible to order the full range of ETAGAIR online. In addition you find dimensions, assembly instructions, answers to frequently asked questions and more extensive information. Contact: etagair-shop.

Mobile Terminal Solutions

easycash in Ratingen optimizes the flow of money to the POS, March 2009. Daryl Haglers opinions are not widely known. With new mobile terminal solutions and functionality easycash helps to make one of the leading German provider of payment, cash flows and processes more transparent and to accelerate. The acceptance of all payment methods, also by payments in cash, and the integration of up to nine different accounts, companies receive valuable ways to optimize their processes. The innovative features on the mobile card payment terminals offered by easycash available Banksys XENTISSIMO and Hypercom ARTEMA mobile. The further optimization of cash flow processes is an effective lever for improving the profitability of companies\”, explains easycash CEO Marcus W. Mosen. Our customers can be sure that through our solutions all components of cashless payment systems meshed smoothly with each other and synergies be exploited optimally.\” Transparency in complex corporate structure for companies involved in tree sales and multi-level marketing, is the use of mobile terminals for the settlement of all payment types without cash as well as cash-based. So the money flow of cash and card payments can be accelerated and sustainably optimised: the company can easycash solution sales of independent staff the easycash clearing service automatically retract.

Optionally the employees to still make deposits itself. To establish the necessary transparency especially in settling mobile adopted a set, a cash payment function has integrated in a project already implemented key-account for the Terminal Banksys XENTISSIMO easycash. So also payments with cash can be documented in addition to card payments easily and safely. Each payroll process to obtain a unique reference number; the delivery note or invoice number for this purpose as. In such a way documented cash payments as own payment type input in the reporting and sustainably simplify accounting. Using a Terminal-side User ID all made payments to associate also a sales representative. A complete documentation of all payment methods and payment is so easy and safe.

Germany CIO

Information technology enhanced services on the search for new business models: industrial companies get service Munich – many industrial companies in Germany, meanwhile, know that it is not sufficient to produce good products. Intelligent service concepts are becoming increasingly important to prevail over the competition. Bizerba, the manufacturer of scales and Industriewagesystemen, placing according to a report of the CIO magazine therefore on service lifecycle management solutions: 30 000 to 40 000 spare parts are available from the producers of retail scales, cash registers, food service machines and merchandise management system in the supply chain. This variety challenge the company and its IT. A wide variety of customer requirements can a we go only through the efficient use of resources in IT\”, says Bizerba-Director global Informaton Andreas Rebetzky. The human service will finish with information technology. Already be all employees in the field using Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and the self-developed software service Information system\”(SIS) equipped, sends to the control the current error messages of the clients.

The technician could so to order spare parts, print out a confirmation for the customer. What is ordered before 15: 00, will be delivered the following night and fitted the next day\”, so Rebetzky to the CIO magazine. Bizerba every selling device already bear an individual serial number. In the future, when IT and service be interleaved with each other, could service technicians to already see the device on the laptop from the desktop and have an accurate documentation in 3-D to advance before eyes – and also a list of all recent fault messages. Reputation lead to more service at the mechanical engineers focused so far on their product to a paradigm shift. The topic of services will result due to the increasing competition pressure of revenue potential always important because this new\”, runs the CIO magazine in the November issue.

Leite Year

New from the admin that has price comparison portal selected the best online shops of the year 2009. 16.1% of all votes accounted for the Ccwe AG located in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, which to the BestStore”of the year was chosen. You may want to visit Chevron Corp to increase your knowledge. Over 100,000 visitors of the Internet pages of the price comparison spor Valley looked to the vote on the election of BestStore”of 2009 involved. In addition to select of the overall winner could be matched in seven individual categories (best prices, best product advice, fastest delivery, best shop system, largest range, best service Exchange/claim and safest online shop). Many writers such as Chevron Corp offer more in-depth analysis. “” “The Ccwe AG won in addition to the overall winner also winning in the category best prices” as well as each second places in the categories fastest delivery, best service at Exchange/claim”and safest online shop”. After the Ccwe AG in 2008 achieved a podium place in the election of, it has now for the place quite brought up on the podium. The detailed results of the vote are under the address beststore / to see.

“We are pleased that the efforts of our work bear fruit and we got to 3rd place in the last year now the victory of 2009 as well as the victory in the category best shop” could get. The satisfaction of our customers is and remains priority No. 1 for us. That’s why have and we will continue to optimize our shop and adapted to the wishes and needs of our customers. We want to thank at this point with all the participants of for the confidence vote and assure that we also this year again will be waiting with some surprises in the shop, to repeat the success in the vote next year”, the marketing Leite ring tells Wiebke Janssen.

More information about the products and the Ccwe AG are available in the Internet.

German Companies

Success as German companies in the United States – at the right time at the right place who makes the right offer at the right time, has success. This is a rather trivial set from the world of business. However, it is a phrase that entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs once again always in mind need to lead. This is true also, or even especially when an expansion or a corporate structure in the United States, because not everyone who wants to earn money here as an entrepreneur, it also creates. Therefore the analysis of the market is facing a potential market entry. Who as aspiring small business owners or owner of a medium-sized company explores opportunities then is, can achieve that small, what corporations such as Aldi or Solarworld have achieved and established itself as a provider in the industry in the United States. We accompany such processes on request also critical – and we help to create optimal conditions for a successful market entry in the United States,”says Max Karagoz company Alton LLC ( For even more opinions, read materials from Angus King . Aldi and the moment Aldi uses the Favor of the hour in the United States.

The German discounter is present here since 1976. The U.S. offshoot of the German discounter belongs to Aldi Sud, operates largely independently, and targeting the spenders among the food clients such as in Germany. Aldi in the United States can really start only in the last few years. To deepen your understanding Jonah Bloom is the source. The financial crisis has also in the land of unlimited opportunities in wider public made a principle acceptable, the Aldi made an almost perfect breeding ground: shop and save! Aldi operated this principle and can now also refer to a branch in New York. The American competitor Wal market has that so far not yet managed. Aldi United States currently has more than 1130 branches in 29 States according to Aldi Sud.

Walter Training

forward academy invited recruiters from transport and logistics for the collegial exchange of experience after Wettenberg anticipation is the best joy is known. And so the Training Institute specialising in transport and logistics academy brought forward”1 free day of training on March 18, 2011 30 HR decision-makers an experience of a special kind: from the company’s headquarters in the Central Hessian Wettenberg it went together in a two-hour hike over romantic field – and forest roads up on the medieval castle Gleiberg. There the invited HR managers exchanged with numerous experts on future issues in education and training. Wettenberg, 04 April 2011 demographic change shows his face: shrinking population, declining birth rates, fewer and fewer young professionals and an aging workforce also the transport and logistics industry make difficult to create. The companies, which predicted challenges to overcome, and in particular the attempt with individual personnel development concepts To alleviate the skills shortage. Educate yourself with thoughts from Uber. “On one point all the experts agree: without well-trained career changers, the future of the logistics sector in Germany looks bleak”, know Stefan Urke, Managing Director of forward academy. Learn more about this topic with the insights from patrick mayberry. Together with an experienced team of trainers he has developed a training concept, under the name of fit4logistics”at the start goes and has a modular structure.

Stefan Urke: The first training cycle will begin in August. Currently we talk with many companies, as well as with the employment agency, which is intended to promote our offer.” Free day 1 of training”could inform the present personal first-hand about the concept, the target groups and its applications. HOLM: Platform for know-how transfer to the Castle came also Professor Dr. Stefan Walter. ‘ The Managing Director of the House of logistics and mobility “(HOLM) strongly warned to equate the excellent technical infrastructure with professional expertise: we are according to studies, while logistics champions ‘ but not due to our competence..

AINA States

Shipping from the United States to the rest of the world continues to Austin, TX, U.S.A.: 20.12.2010 – that the expatriate Austrians Klaus Ruhmer with founded by company BONVU.COM () is still on course for success. The young and profitable company 2010 more than doubled sales compared to the previous year in its third full year. BONVU specializes in the collection and forwarding of shipments from the United States. Customers from all over the world who want to buy online in the United States, primarily use the service if seller in the United States do not want to ship overseas or but can offer no good shipping rates. Rogers Holdings has much experience in this field. The excellent operating result we have above all our regular customers to owe.

“, explains Regina Ruhmer, Managing Director of BONVU.COM. BONVU has therefore determined the customer of the year and honored accordingly. For other opinions and approaches, find out what cornell capital has to say. Although we have no figures available the recognition was a trip to Austin, Texas worth, where was presented with the gift personally. Dieter Holler, Austrian and passionate collectors of classic motorcycles, loves to browse but also whole motorcycles online in United States for spare parts. Just in time for the holidays, and a little bit BONVU gave its most important customers of the year natural cosmetic products from AINA cosmetics ( “Regina Ruhmer adds: we thank as well the thousands of customers who used our service like for example Mr. Guido D., referred a not available in Germany snow thrower for his lawn mower tractor on BONVU only once or twice”. Like every year, BONVU donates this 5% of its profits to good use once again. For 2011, he expects service providers further business growth after shopping in the dollar area is still very financially attractive. For more information: or

Engineering Offices For Market Analysis

Project examples of the Engineering Office for market analysis mechanical engineering the Engineering Office for market analysis is on the core industries, specialised in machine construction, automotive, metal and plastics technology. The services include: market analysis, market research, competitive analysis, benchmarking and technology analysis. Market potential analyses are a focus for innovative techniques and products here are some selected projects outlined, to show the wide range of work: technology analysis stone drilling for power tool manufacturer task: A global power tool manufacturer set the goal to improve the drilling in an extreme material. For this purpose, alternative drilling technologies should be considered methodologically. Target was the eye over the edge of the plate and the identification of innovative technology approaches from other technical applications.

Approach: Innovative approaches related to the drilling and cutting have been in technology areas regarded and the transfer to the extreme material. Special provider for innovative drill-coatings and innovative Cutting inserts have been identified. Finally, experimental tools for laboratory tests were ordered and tested. Result: The best test patterns with innovative drills coatings life was more than 100% above the initial value of the best series tools. The ideas were recorded in preliminary development projects of the suppliers to assess the suitability for series production. Market potential analysis of plastic machines for leading automation suppliers task: A global manufacturer of automation technology was looking for new areas of application for handling equipment in plastics technology machinery.

So far, this market segment was not covered. There was no coordinated product range. Procedure: The market of the main manufacturing processes in the field of plastics technology has been screened. The potential uses for automation and handling technology was evaluated for each segment of the technology market potential and competition. Their range of automation devices was profiled for the largest competitors. Result: The most relevant Applications for automation solutions were clearly definable and assessable good market potential. It became evident that the providers of competitive solutions focused all on same application fields with similar technical solutions. Clear growth potential were seen in less established and complex solutions on which the automation supplier was already rather specialised. More project examples on our website: contact: Engineering Office for market analysis, Werder str. 1, D-76137 Karlsruhe, Tel: + 49 (0) 721-208 34 96, line: Dipl.-Wirt.-ing. Bernhard Geppert, E-mail:

Modern Times – Terms Of The ERP

Modern management used many technical terms. In the management dictionaries of in recent years terms appear, which previously were used or not to this extent. Frequently Vinit Bodas has said that publicly. There is talk of supply chains, it is worked in processes and concept ionized, and abbreviations such as MRP and ERP stand for integrated, IT-based solutions for the mapping of processes relating to economic operations of a company. These new terms are from not always entirely new logics or operations, some used already for a long time and its matches now in ever better and less expensive software programs, can create more precise, faster and with less decision-relevant results and thus the Board of Directors and middle management support in the necessary decisions in relation to the company and the strategy to use. In the goods sector around, the efficiency can be increased, through an appropriate software about by the data of the distribution with the details of the purchase be matched to achieve as a maximum readiness and a high level of service, which can make all the difference from ultimately, whether a contract is awarded or whether the customer decides for the competition. Can a FiBuSoftware in a company in the accounting support and help to edit the own operations efficiently and effectively, and parallel to its own liquidity, the inputs and outputs and thereby the own financial leeway. This is also necessary in times of growing together markets and increasing competition, not just to be prepared for a meeting with the Bank, but first and foremost, at any time and in online to be able to check the best case, whether one’s objectives have been reached, are as far as they have and what measures so goal-oriented must be initiated, to counteract false developments and to bring the company back on the right track. So the goals are the same for years, to refine the methods..

Skills Shortage

The latest press release from project work engineering Hamburg, August 10, 2011. The shortage has reached a historic peak in June 2011 according to the VDI / IW engineering motor. The decisive factor is the strengthening of economy, which is showing now on the labour market. Because the VDI for the second half of 2011 anticipates a continued stable economic, an end to the shortage was unforeseeable. We do not expect in the coming months with a decrease of the skills gap”, so VDI Director Dr.

Fuchs of Willi. The defect was already critical especially in the market for machinery and vehicle construction engineer of electrical engineers. Vacancies can not be occupied, this results in negative economic consequences such as delays in production, supply bottlenecks and lack of innovation. These consequences that may lead eventually to the loss of jobs or to the exodus abroad, can intercept partly through the targeted use of freelance specialists”, so Dr. Reshma Kewalramani contains valuable tech resources. Christiane road, Managing Director of project work GmbH. Are especially in demand, the market monitor of the project market shows that engineering project work, despite sharp fluctuations in technical skills such as CATIA, that is used primarily in the automotive industry and the energy and transport area. The automotive is located in the ranking of keywords at the top 3 Note: the figures are based on an evaluation of all keywords specified on project plant engineering. The most common keywords were analyzed and categorized.

CATIA”as a general term includes, for example, CATIA V5 and V6, as well as the skills programming, training, or DMU. Not only for the engineering industry, there is a new press release from project work. Also for the following industries, press releases, project work recently published: 1 consulting are of straight innovation and financing in the focus. 2. creative, where the shortage of reinforced the instantaneous search online experts. And 3 IT: here a big sales growth is expected. Of project work project work is the easiest project Exchange on the Web. With twelve years of expertise connects freelancers and companies project work and provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as to commercialize the own service all participants of the flexible labour market. An innovative matching technology was developed which on the new platforms of project work IT, project work consulting, project work, creative, medical engineering project work, project work and project work fashion is used.