It will go to assist the commission to legalize all the documents, will provide all the bureaucratic details that involve the ceremony of degree light meal and the ball of formation, without atropelos and misfortunes. Then it is important to choose a company with experience in the market so that the group does not run the risk to fall in & ldquo; blow of formatura& rdquo; , that people are who if pass for professionals, affirming that a company exists, but that they add all with the money that would have to be destined to the preparativeses of the parties. According to Leather strap, the work of the company consists of giving to comfort to the group, leading all the filtered information, managing all the suppliers, so that the pupils are not worried about nothing. Of this form it is responsible for the calculation of the expenses, collection of the monthly parcels, orientation on forms of money collection of the monthly fees in accordance with the interest of the group, as the accomplishment of parties, raffles. The team follows the scratch the cronograma with the details, values, dates, schedules, places, detailing all the information and carried through stages. Being that the plan varies as the size of the group it interests and it of the same one. Another function of the company is to provide the infrastructure of the commemorations as to indicate optimum space for the degree light meal, the hall of ideal ball, to prepare the equipment as illumination, sound equipment, decoration, scene, security, robes, band and all the other services necessary to make best of its formation, verifying the quality and the maintenance of each item so that everything is perfect. The formation company must give to all the freedom it commission to visit different places and to compare the prices, beyond visiting the parties organized for the proper company.
Monthly Archives: April 2012
Maslow Necessities
At any time a person can be motivated, this for a variety of how much in such a way internal external factors. The people are different and can at any time be motivated in diverse ways. The necessities human beings influence in the behavior of the individual generating a force. It can be said that impulsionadoras forces as desires, wills, distrusts of the individual can result in motivation, individual satisfaction. 3.1 MOTIVATION AS MASLOW the necessities always act in set, prevailing highest, since that the inferiors are satisfied.
Some basic necessities can be express or satisfied in set, therefore they possess a relation in the mannering one. Therefore, any signal of insatisfao frustration, can be a psychological threat, what it can result in reactions in the human behavior. Maslow extended its theory suggesting that the organization assumed the construction of a bridge between the basic necessities and of auto-accomplishment. to leave of the moment that one of these necessities if becomes satisfied, the human being starts to long for the full satisfaction of this necessity, being been the necessities of the base of the pyramid the physiological ones and security, of esteem and auto-accomplishment. (MASLOW apud CHIAVENATO, 2003, p.92).
According to Maslow (1954 apud CHIAVENATO, 2003) ' ' it organizes the necessities human beings in five hierarchic categories: physiological necessities, of security, affective-social, of esteem and auto-realizao' '. According to Chiavenato (2003, p.89) the motivation also represents an important part in the explanation of the human behavior and of the field of the knowledge of the nature human being. Figure i Pyramid of Maslow Source: the necessities that are in the base of the pyramid are called basic physiological necessities, need immediate satisfaction. Examples: breath, sex, headquarters, hunger, excreo, sleep, etc. The security necessities come soon below and they only can be satisfied if carried through to the first ones.
Challenges Theory
Summary The organizacional development appeared in function to have changes in the World of the organizations in function of the inadequao of the conventional structures to these new circumstances that appear day the day. It extended the area that performance thus taking the organization as a whole and assuming as form of sistmica boarding. The organizacional development presents new concepts of organization, culture and organizacional change inside of estimated of the mannering theory. The organizacional development is one of the democratic and participativas alternatives for the renewal and innovation of the organizations.
Theoretical recital According to Idalberto Chiavenato (2002), the organizacional development appeared in function to have changes in the World of the organizations which was also in function of the inadequao of the conventional structures to these new circumstances that appear day the day. Having as origin in the mannering theory and the consultants of group dynamics and organizacional behavior. It extended the area that performance thus taking the organization as a whole and assuming as form of sistmica boarding. It started to resemble itself administrative theory. The organizacional development presents new concepts of organization, culture and organizacional change inside of estimated of the mannering theory. The process of organizacional development is constituted basically by three stages: & bull; Harvest of data; & bull; Organizacional diagnosis; & bull; Action of intervention. With a variety of techniques for interpersonal, group, intergrupal and organizacional the relationship such as: training of the sensitividade, transacional, consultoria analysis of processes, development of teams, meetings of confrontation, treatment of intergrupal conflict and suppliment of information.
System Embrapa
Occured to the extinguishing of the SIBRATER, continuous difficulties they had been imposed to the agricultural extension and the state companies of research in diverse States of the Federacy. Many of these companies had been extinct, transformed or casting as institutions of ' ' research and extenso' ' (Embrapa, 2003). The coordination of the remaining units of the system was, initially, delegated to the Embrapa. However, the demands of the different segments of producers, scarcity of public and diverse resources other challenges, had become necessary establishment of new priorities for the rational use of the institucional resources (Flowers, 1990). The comprometimento with these intentions was officialized with the launching of the preliminary edition of II the Managing Plan in 1992 e, in 1994, the version that started to determine the actions of the Company until the year of 1998. New model of transference Changes in the international paradigms of development, with repercussions in the internal environment, had determined the decision of if establishing new institucional structure and accomplishing strategical changes for the development (Embrapa, 1994).
These facts had determined the requirements of II the Managing Plan. The system was reformulated and adapted to the effective conditions, planned strategically in compliance with the present scene and the future scenes and centered technological standards in the demand. This demanded amount, quality, diversification and support in new technological decisions. In 1993 the System Embrapa de Planejamento – SEP is instituted, with approach in P& D. Knowledge, technology and its transformation in products and services. The process incorporated the demands of the users, customers and beneficiaries, election of with priority problems, generation of new ideas, evaluation of proposals, tests performance and the incorporation of the solutions in the systems of farming and agro-industrial production. The actions of transference and adoption of technologies, services and products and the generation of information on the performance of these processes had passed to be seen as inherent part of the process of P& D, constituting one of its stages.