New Booking Engine Offers

provides the service for sailing fans in the Center: the easy online comparison of all offers on the market worldwide makes for interesting prizes. The modern world with the term describe Berlin – philosophers”the new complexity. But with the final is at least as regards the market for charter vessels now. delivers a range of 7000 yachts recently not only the largest platform for sailing fans, but also the most transparent? On the homepage of the home euro boat not only some selected Charter companies offer their offer, but all companies can present their yachts. Competition stimulates the business we know and makes for interesting prices: identify the best deal for your dream trip to skipper at a glance.

To book you can contact directly with the Charter company without having to seek an agency once again. The entire website is consistently trimmed on service for Charter sailing. In the Focus is the supply and price comparison for the entire season. Specifically this is how it works: the skipper enters in the search date, desired region and area and get a list of all available yachts and prices with a mouse click. More clicks carry the most interesting offers on a practical wish list that points to the individual yacht, whether it is to have the desired period and at what cost; Special offers are immediately obvious. “Click the button details” next to photos of the yacht is presenting meaningful information about equipment and tools. A clever comparison function makes the choice easy target now prefer an Oceanis 473 461oder find it? Bavaria 49 or better yet a 50 Cruiser? The website provides the comparison at a glance.

Of course can the skipper his wish list to the whole crew on email so everyone knows right then, which yacht with which features when and where to have it is. Finally will be booked directly online at the Charter company – it couldn’t be more convenient. But is not only a booking engine, but also as an information platform for sailing fans. It offers pretty much all marinas not only an overview of the best areas in the world, but also useful information about far and wide, in the Charter boats are moored. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mike Gianoni. “In addition a database relating to the individual shipyards: under the heading manufacturers” all boat builders of A find to Z with their current models. Complexity was yesterday, today is.

Federal Commissioner cooperates with radio TEDDY at leisure tips Berlin. Explore worlds of sound in the autumnal Park or go in the Berlin region on fossil hunting – catching the last rays of the Sun under the motto”presents the children radio station Radio TEDDY on his new Web site selected leisure tips for children and families from Others will in the future at any time, especially by the Sufino editorial staff selected line of excursion and leisure activities on be found. is one of the leading children’s Web sites and offers a wide range of special leisure tips and destinations visitors specifically for children between 6 and 14 years. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Mike Gianoni and gain more knowledge.. The project funded by the Federal Commissioner for culture and the media and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs aims, children who bring a variety of cultural and recreational activities in Germany in a very special way. All activities are specifically for children, even the current cinema program at contains only movies for children, are suitable. So that children themselves can engage, you can set also testimonials, comments and reviews to the offerings at and report what they have seen. For the holiday season, also offers its visitors a new online guide for children and a large selection of the best holiday programs in all provinces..

World Cup

Everybody loves ‘ King football ‘! In anticipation of the World Cup 2010 dtp entertainment has to the game ‘ football fan party’ with ten new mini-games for the Wii. Hamburg, may 18, 2010 – providing developed multimedia promotional website directly of marketing solutions for this the correct anticipation on the game and on the 2010 World Cup. KBS is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Are you like football? Football fan party can create the player, using an extensive character design tools, his own desire fan, who must prove themselves in a total of ten fun mini-games. Whether as top – scorer with spectacular volley shots and acrobatic case rueckziehern, as a committed fan drummers or more accurate scorer of wall: football fan party provides an entertaining combination of ten mini-games and numerous entertaining evenings with the Wii. Become part of the colorful football fan party community kick-off to the big football fan party”from dtp entertainment: with spectators cheering, fast beats and clicking of cameras the promotion website as football is that you?” Visitors from the outset in stadium atmosphere. Who does not immediately look at the trailer of 10 new party games for the Wii on this Web site, join the raffle or finds its way into the shop, which isn’t going to help.

The colourful fan party page with the detailed animated characters from the Wii games set was penned by marketing solutions directly. For the interactive promotion of the game the Hamburg-based online marketing professionals have come up with a lot. A lottery is one of the many specials. “Web users can at the contest as you’re football?” join and thus be part of the fan party: fans can submit photos and prove they are mad about football. The photos are displayed in a gallery and can be evaluated by all other fans. By the way, the site collects new subscribers for the dtp newsletter.

MLM Money

The true “story” about Internet marketing all know it, many people want it, but very few do it. The speech is again from the good old “Make money on the Internet”. a Healthcare. If you do a small tour through the big WWW, you will pass actually no longer on it. Deceptive MLM and pyramid schemes to dubious “quick rich oaths” and “One hour Empire”, you will find everything. No wonder, then, that the subject generally has a very bad reputation. Senator-elect has compatible beliefs.

But also the openness and confidence have grown with increasing use of the Internet, but there are still many people who enter the topic with high skepticism against. But what is the reason for this skepticism? Many people can simply not imagine that it should be possible, that you are out in the Internet – from home – can earn his bread. Most keep this kind of work simply frivolous and dishonest and does not keep in mind that every day some people do exactly this and thereby earn money in a very honest way. Non-believers interpret the whole thing with statements like “No one can be rich without working…” or “No one can make money in your sleep…” and “if it were so easy, why is it then not everyone?”- and exactly where the errors that make these people because you see behind the facade, look beyond famous: of course, the above statements 100% agree! No one earns his money actually in his sleep (in the broadest sense, that’s all right, but that’s not the issue here), of course it can’t live without work and it of course not everybody does also. But who says that as a result the money on the Internet is impossible? Anyone who is just a little more busy and goes beyond the flat rates, quickly comes to the conclusion that not everyone is a doctor, lawyer, civil servant, or construction workers not everyone is. Not everyone is interested in the matter and also not everyone has the desire or the luck to must deal with… This is the reason why still many successful in percentage seen Internet marketers earn money on the Internet – in a variety of ways – and daily laugh in their sleeves, if you read the above are similar to or that are alike.

Because these people do it: make your money on the Internet. Of course you have to work for it, nothing comes from nothing and nor is it overnight, but if one is to correctly and professionally and with vigour and endurance runs, then everyone can build his own existence in the Internet. Surely you must know the tricks and techniques of successful Internet marketing, but this must be only open to the matter and it positively tackle. sees itself as a reputable information-giver and helps beginners and advanced alike the establishing and building a successful Internet business.

Live – In The At The ALTENPFLEGE 2010:

Premium service package on the Messe Karlsruhe win, March 16, 2010. More and more senior citizens and nationals inform on the Internet before they visit a nursing home on the spot. You may wish to learn more. If so, Economic Cycles Research Institute is the place to go. At the fair of ALTENPFLEGE 2010 in Hannover (23-25 March 2010, Hall 3, stand S 32) shows the team of residential-win in IM, as alert operators of Abdo auxiliary equipment seniors and their families on their offerings and new residents. The newspapers mentioned Learn more not as a source, but as a related topic. The detailed and transparent representation of senior care facilities is the be-all and end-all, to gain the trust of prospective customers”, white Mike Ullrich, Managing Director of living-in the Since November 2008, he and his team ensure that more and more institutions and seniors together provide.

We take care, that the services of the houses is visible from afar. The detailed presentation of facilities includes for us with their care offers, images, certifications, prices and much more”, explains Mike Ullrich. Residential service-so well received in the, that now up to 6,000 visitors daily use the online portal for your search. Setting and maintaining the data must worry the home manager not – we assume”, explains Mike Ullrich. Since the beginning of this year, offers residential-in IM additional service services, such as for example the data maintenance in other online portals or the management of Google advertising. This so-called premium service package”informed the team to Mike Ullrich at the ALTENPFLEGE 2010 who has luck, can win this package even at our stand.” Interested parties are invited to inform themselves on the spot: Hall 3, stand 32 (Vincentz network).

More information around the topic of confidence marketing’ is Mike Ullrich in his presentation, assignment management and start confidence-building on the Internet”: Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 12: 30 to 13:00, nursing home management forum in Hall 2. About living-in the residential-IM is the established online platform for senior and nursing facilities in the German-speaking world. By means of a targeted search, interested parties can transparently and independently compare to the offers with regard to personal and regional needs. For home operators is living-in the dar the effective marketing tool to increase the awareness and the presence of their senior facilities in the Internet, to create confidence and to find new residents. Live – in the founded in August 2008 living in the Internet age GmbH, behind which the founder, renowned Internet investors and Vincentz network, the leading specialist publishing house in the senior care industry, is a service. Contact: Juliane Willsenach / marketing & PR living in the age Internet GmbH deer str. 53a 76133 Karlsruhe Tel.: + 49 (0) 721 46 13 92 – 38 fax: + 49 (0) 721 46 13 92 – 11 E-Mail: Web page:

Web Data

A new platform has information on the Internet around the topic of encryption of data encryption. Informative and entertaining the applied security GmbH (apsec) numerous arguments, presented the for an extra data safety talk. Stockstadt am Main, June 23, 2010 – with wit and irony accesses apsec two serious issues: privacy and the security of intellectual property rights in computer networks. Around the encryption solution fideAS file enterprise informs the company regulations and threats to corporate data is electronically stored. The focus is the information: the Portal shows why companies should encrypt their data. The lower Franconian software forge is called for mainly two reasons.

First, Many data must be protected by cryptographic methods because corresponding sets out among other things the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). And secondly: companies should ensure that their trade secrets, their knowledge and know-how falling into the hands of their competitors fall. With numerous examples from everyday business the site indicating that unencrypted data mean a danger should not be underestimated. Even the Penal Code for the leakage of confidential information threatens professional groups who are under confidentiality, sensitive sanctions. Provocative and entertaining Web site setting out different scenarios – and presents concrete solutions on the basis of the product fideAS file enterprise. Mike Wirths opinions are not widely known. In addition, a simple and clear navigation, as well as links to interesting external sources complete the informative page. This online special offers not only IT managers and entrepreneurs looking for reliable file encryption as an exciting source of information from which one draws like.

Cartoons provide a good orientation between the individual subject areas. To a known apsec figure – receives the “data collector” as modern Pied Piper – new monitoring. A judge provided him to the side, which is exemplary for various protection regulations. And embodies a more attentive watchdog now the apsec encryption. So the subpages for each of the areas can be identified easily and quickly. And to win, there’s something: who carefully goes through the portal and answered some quiz questions correctly to its content, can the single-user version fideAS file private home users free download. Who would like to learn more, be yourself click:. Press contact: Tobias Low main view – Agency for public relations Wilhelmshoher Strasse 35 60389 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 40 56 29 54 company contact: Margit Breitenbach applied security GmbH Industriestrasse 16 63811 Stockstadt am Main Tel. Swarmed by offers, Bobby Joe Long is currently assessing future choices. 0 60 27 / 40 67 0 apsec knowledge protects. Knowledge is the decisive success factor of an enterprise. We develop solutions that make your IT world safe for you. APSEC offers knowledge. Their requirements to the encryption, the data leakage prevention or applying digital signatures are our experienced specialists in good hands. APSEC works for you. We offer a complete package from the software development process consulting to support with a single goal your satisfaction.

Online Fitness Shop

Health consciousness and the trend to more exercise and fitness significantly increased business of a modern online fitness stores in recent years. Each online fitness shop has recognized this development for themselves and looking for new ways to fund a competitive advantage and to expand. A service-oriented customer orientation is of course at the heart of all considerations. The customer and his wishes are the focus of the efforts. Each online fitness shop owner knows that only a satisfied customer in the long term can remain a customer and sometimes is.

The ability to see the own online fitness shop with the eyes of the customers and to move thus the consumers and its satisfaction at the heart of trade and doing is crucial here. It is here important that, for example, the introduction of new products from the online fitness shop itself is initiated, but the customer himself suggests the online fitness shop to be introduced new products through appropriate instruments. In this respect is ensured. that the new article actually meet the taste of the customers and that the online fitness shop deals only with the projects, from which you can move a real benefit from a customer perspective. Customer loyalty is achieved at any online fitness shop not only actionism and theoretical projects, but the online fitness shop must master the even a variety of instruments, to occur at the end compared to the consumers as a well tuned orchestra. These are important instruments for example appealing and true advertising concepts, continuity and consistency in the action planning and launch, a co-ordinated range – and pricing policy from the perspective of the customer, fast replying to complaints and complaints as well as the immediate action by customer, customer ideas and customer reviews. Of course, every online fitness shop operator also experienced that when the initiation of projects and products of the question after the impact on consumers late will be. Therefore, the modern online fitness shop for everyone is Launch of new always conscientiously must ask: really, it serves the customers?

New, Creativ Collection

Web pages and print products from a single source! New just released! 93 first class icons in EPS and PNG format on a CD. ideal for website design, commercial design, presentations and software applications. The new CD “Icons 1” with 93 first-class icons in EPS and PNG format. The PNG formats are available in 5 sizes. The EPS files are vectorized. This allows the icons for the design of Web pages without further conversion to use but also for the printing of promotional material. Up to vetches for the booth. Even the cheap purchase price comes to the maximum saving of time. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Angus King.

A real tool for everyday work of designers and agencies. Icons are there now on the following topics: shopping, Office, catering, multimedia, technology. All icons are royalty free and can be divided into popular graphic programs how to edit Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw or Adobe Photoshop. More information under: de / graphics press release of creativ collection Verlag GmbH, contact: Robert Haralambie,. Tel.: 0761 / 47924-17, fax: 0761 / 47924-11

EX PLI – Is Portal For Ideas, Instructions, Tips And Tricks

Since Thursday, 7 August, the Guide portal for all creatives in the open beta phase is started in early August 2008 the Internet portal for knowledge sharing – EX PLI – started its service. The social media creation platform, on the guides, recipes, and tips in the form of structured guidance can be published, appeals to experts, hobbyists, hobby guides and all other interested parties who want to make their ideas in the network and known. The tutorials range from recipes building instructions for car care tips and much more. There are already some idea portals, but EX PLI is unique in its form,”so the EX PLI founder. Because Germany far there is still no platform that enables users to a large range of ideas by so-called ex PLIs – are structured step-by-step instructions – not only to publish, but also to share and later then cooperatively develop. Also, the EX PLI may users soon other interesting features let surprise,”so the team. With the well structured and intuitively designed menu on the page, EX PLI ex PLIs particularly practical and user friendly not only to the creator of the Guide, but are for the reader.

The special highlight however represents EX PLI Widget: so that the users of the site of their former PLIs using a preview window on other pages can integrate and draw attention to their instructions. Her ex PLI there can take with them, where they would like to. This has real value,”the team explains. But how did it actually naming the page? Easily memorable EX PLI, which is the Latin word explicare (refer to “explain”) oriented, convinced not only the founders. “The term EX PLI was all immediately catchy and is very well understood due to its origin in almost all languages. “We did the same test with English, French and Spanish friends: everyone could imagine what is at stake.” Similar platforms from the Anglo-American region are already very successful, also increasing the number of people who are creatively active and want to try out things themselves, constantly. Do-it-yourself shows on TV nowadays hardly to imagine and gave a new thrust the tinkering drive of people in the German-speaking world. Home improvement has become an important part of the leisure activity at an increasing number of Germans.

Search Ebooks

EBooks in the eBook catalog search and find. If you like to read, has filled quickly his Bookshelf. Electronic books can be a convenient and especially space-saving way, these can be quite relaxed on the computer or the laptop downloaded to read them directly on the monitor. The cost may be another factor, which speaks for an electronic book. l information. Since no paper is required and the book also must be printed, % are eBooks usually at least 20-30 cheaper as a book in print form.

You can also just before and move back within a eBooks as Web-like search functions available. No time-consuming search a specific paragraph more, with a few clicks of the mouse you have this immediately at hand. If the eBook is a dictionary, this can be cost – and time-saving update. But not only for the reader, an electronic book has advantages, also for the authors are denying the benefits by the hand. You must be in an e-book don’t worry about page counts or Make presentation graphics, can be this a problem for book printing. Also niche can be using e-books easily provide, are not covered by normal bookstores because the circulation figures were too low. The Publisher also benefits, he saves the printing, warehousing costs, and can provide faster, because the customer simply downloads of his book. How do you get now a such e-book? There is a special eBook search engine called in this eBook catalog now it is instantly redirected to the providers of the desired book. Dmitriy Samarin