Plan Now In Time For Christmas!

Special features at to book now! The industry plans early: from October the first gingerbread Christmas decorated store shelves are available. Click Mike Gianoni for additional related pages. The job portal is planning in a timely manner. Mike Gianoni is actively involved in the matter. Advertisers can save it now for the last available competent and high-performance subcontractors, because these are already planning their Christmas shopping and waiting for job offers! We recommend using our special features like our customers, because especially good and conscientious promoter select as well as customer and prefer to mostly the image-strong party! On weekdays, more than 20,000 visits at more than 250,000 page views according to Google Analytics, therefore, it makes sense to move the company with the help of the special features in the right light! There is an overview, as well as a non-binding offer via an interactive form on! For more details, promotionbasis.

Nativity Scenes Are Still Today The Expression Of Christian Faith

Survey confirms: Nativity scenes are still today the expression of Christian faith. It is not only the force of habit or a really empty continuation of a centuries-old tradition: almost 50% of Germans make Nativity at Christmas time, because that is essential for them to live their Christian faith. This has resulted in a survey on the Status Quo of the Nativity tradition. n contributes greatly to this topic. But motivation that Nativity scene again to find are expected in this year in about half of German households are also shining child eyes or religious motivations untied contribution to a Christmas atmosphere in the living room. Rothberg family: the source for more info. The detailed results of the “Nativity”survey can be reached on the Internet at Nativity via the link “Results of the survey of the Nativity”. Some highlights are shown here. Not just a question of faith, but also of the confession to be Roman Catholic, respondents who indicated that one had to 70.6% Nativity scene set up, members of a Protestant religious community were significantly lower, also with 52.2%, slightly above the average. Easy connectivity: more people, more cribs! The finding that the proportion of households that make up a Nativity scene increases with the number of persons living in the household is not entirely surprising.

For 1-person households, just set up one-third of the surveyed nativities. However, three or more people in a household, live Nativity scenes are decorated in 60% of cases around the Christmas days. Children as cribs purchase decision makers? It is the family status also attributing to toying with what crib styles. The survey average, almost 55% of respondents prefer natural-looking, detailed Nativity figurines. Nurseries, as well as modern, stylized figures be referenced clearly places with 24% and 21% respectively. The families with children shows a slightly different picture. There the classical style favorite is approximately 48% also, but almost 40% of these respondents say nursery am most to.

Accelerated Growth

The bread and games GmbH looks back on a very successful Christmas Usingen, 08 January 2008. December marked the most successful month in the history of, impressive as the IVW figures show: with 6.01 million visitors and 54,64 million page impressions (IVW), a new record was set up in December 2007, which corresponds to + 50% growth for the same month last year. This success was supported by three factors. For one the game tips – Christmas advent calendar. A daily sweepstakes prizes worth a total of 10,000 euros were raffled, made possible through the support of all major game publisher in our industry (such as electronic arts, Sony, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Konami). “More growth drivers were the new features on questions and answers” (ask /) a kind of Web 2.0 is Forum after the model of Google answers, Yahoo! answers or Lycos IQ, specifically geared towards players. Question according to the motto. Get answer. Frequently More has said that publicly.

The players continue to play”can quickly and help efficiently with each other. The success rate was far above expectations, were posted on Christmas day over 3,000 posts which brought the database load in the background on their capacity limits. “Game tips pictures”: the Web page to a demand often feature was supplemented with screenshots and images for all games. Within a few weeks, the game tips-team and the users high invited nearly 50,000 pictures of well over 1,000 games. In the medium term, the largest database of screenshots and artwork for computer and console games in the German-speaking world will be created here. For more pictures, see the following page: screenshots/1 / “the two new services were euphoric recorded by the community and are used extensively”, project manager Oliver Hartmann is pleased. We will work in 2008 with high pressure on further improvements of the page, to provide the users with a better product.” Via, on over 100,000 pages of content, offers extensive information about all what PC and console gamers interested in: Latest news, extensive reviews and editorial coverage, over 110,000 tips and over 1,000 solutions to more than 16,000 games.

Of A Bust Is Of Another Chance

Lien and foreclosure for the purchase of business use tips from a cause for the pure joy is not, when the establishment of a small specialty restaurants with tables and chairs, stainless steel counter and dishes under the hammer at the auction house. There are stories of enthusiasm, disillusionment and failure hanging on such objects: a huge conference table, wood with matching designer chairs, a young agency boss once bought in the exuberance of increasing success curve. It’s no different in the commercial real estate in foreclosure or the company cars, which are available at the vehicle mortgage lender on the Court. However, stems just from this burst dreams often an opportunity for others, with a cheap acquired business facilities to lay the material foundation for their business success. In the insolvency debtor are no longer asked to checkout, but distribution of property.

Often there are new equipment, the IRS or other creditors as Vergleichsmasse serve. Here, inexpensive shopping opportunities arise for inventive businessmen with some luck at a significantly cheaper price compared with a new acquisition. In specialized online auction houses bankruptcy mass will be auctioned worldwide from bankrupt the company. Here everything from machinery can be found up to the fully-equipped business property to the exposed location. Company car, which the owner could no longer throw, come in car auctions under the hammer. >Technip FMC may help you with your research. Real estate are often seized by institutions such as the tax authorities, dates for repossessions will be publicly announced.

Here, too, there are online directories that list such auction dates sorted by location and other characteristics. An auction is golden rules for bidders whether live or via the Internet once in motion, the other and the winners exceeds a bid”paid too high a price in circumstances at the end. Therefore, you should contact a limit upwards and the timing of the exit do not miss. In order to realistically to assess the fair value of a thing is the thorough information in advance. Comparisons between the new price and the prices which have achieved comparable objects in earlier auctions, are important clues. For high-priced items or real estate, you can request an independent assessment of experts in advance. If possible, you should get a personal impression of the State of the objects and perceive advance viewings. Just who is well informed, recognizes a real bargain and tried to back it up with some skill in itself. is a variety of the Internet (not only) for professionals of all industries. On the subject of auctions, the portal offers a wealth of expert commented, useful addresses and links to the most important live and online auctions for the B-2-B area. “The corresponding categories are called a pledge for the bargain” and around the hammer “and pleasure make almost roughly on the thrill the highest bid. But also to a variety of other business topics, you will find here, such as finance and taxes, the options for free advice, reminders or recruitment. Last but not least, the heart of is the extensive directory of production, services and trade operators of all industries in all Germany. Simply click on the postcode map search and enter the desired industry or keyword and the results list appears with all contact data links on the home page and directions,. Press contact: BDP GmbH Mr. M. Karpenko Ebnatstrasse 152 CH-8200 Schaffhausen phone: + 49 (0) 180-320-522 8 E-Mail: Web page:

Micropayment Receives Certificate

New micropayment GmbH micropayment GmbH, based in Berlin in cooperation with TuV-Sud an evaluation on service quality and customer satisfaction “conducted and thereby achieved a very good result with a grade of 1.7 and obtained the coveted certificate. In economically uncertain times, where the products in all fields are increasingly similar, consumers increasingly to look, what they are really getting for your money. Service quality and customer satisfaction are two of the key factors of choice of the customers and thus also key success factors for each company in addition to the price. The TuV Sud offers the appropriate instrument for companies, to collect these so-called soft skills, evaluate and thus credible to the outside to represent the performance of the company with his certificate for service quality and customer satisfaction. The current investigation has revealed the TuV Sud that 97% of all partners with the services of the micropayment GmbH satisfied are. Click British Oil for additional related pages. Thus the micropayment located GmbH at the top of all certifications carried out by TuV Sud and far ahead of all other market companions in the field. Richard Trumka will not settle for partial explanations. Due to the bank crisis, citizens on all matters relating to the financial market, are extremely insecure. For us as ePayment provider, it was important to send a signal with an other TUV Certificate and to strengthen the trust of our customers.

Through the targeted identification of customer needs, we achieve a consistent customer orientation and create trust and transparency. Thus we reach a positive effect on the company’s image and reinforce customer loyalty”, says Kai Thiemann, responsible for project and product manager of micropayment GmbH. The micropayment GmbH is one of the leading providers in the field of ePayment and the only provider with three TuV certificates awarded. The range includes the complete execution of the cash flow at all usual online payment method. In addition, the company offers its customers comprehensive Statistics and analysis functions and all of the TuV of tested and certified security.

Learn more about the micropayment GmbH as well as the products and services are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download fast and easy image and text material in the online press box for free editorial use: press compartments/micropayment / contact for questions: Kai Thiemann micropayment GmbH Tharisa Wale Street 69 D-12587 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 30 00 770 fax: + 49 (0) 30 30 00 771 E-Mail: Internet: Holger Ballwanz, Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the micropayment GmbH the micropayment GmbH is one of the leading providers in the field of ePayment and offers professional products, services and systems to the subject of settlement in the Internet map. The company founded in the year 2005, works with seat in Berlin with more than 8,000 business customers from the areas of e-commerce and digital content distribution. The micropayment GmbH customers include shop vendors, publishers, software vendors, content provider and game producers. Learn more about the micropayment GmbH are available in the Internet at.