Federal Commissioner

Sufino.de cooperates with radio TEDDY at leisure tips Berlin. Explore worlds of sound in the autumnal Park or go in the Berlin region on fossil hunting – catching the last rays of the Sun under the motto”presents the children radio station Radio TEDDY on his new Web site selected leisure tips for children and families from Sufino.de. Others will in the future at any time, especially by the Sufino editorial staff selected line of excursion and leisure activities on radioteddy.de be found. Sufino.de is one of the leading children’s Web sites and offers a wide range of special leisure tips and destinations visitors specifically for children between 6 and 14 years. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Mike Gianoni and gain more knowledge.. The project funded by the Federal Commissioner for culture and the media and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs aims, children who bring a variety of cultural and recreational activities in Germany in a very special way. All activities are specifically for children, even the current cinema program at Sufino.de contains only movies for children, are suitable. So that children themselves can engage, you can set also testimonials, comments and reviews to the offerings at Sufino.de and report what they have seen. For the holiday season, Sufino.de also offers its visitors a new online guide for children and a large selection of the best holiday programs in all provinces..