Baranowsky Syndrome

This syndrome is a multifaceted and evolving picture, with a historical development disease, known to doctors from the 70s can begin psychological changes that are increasing in intensity, from the discontent and irritability to emotional outbursts, affecting physical and mental systems critical to the survival of the individual. Management must take into account the general effects of this symptom and what it means for both productivity and health of the person, the matter will have: adversely affects the worker’s resistance, making it more susceptible to compassion fatigue, (Compassion Fatigue). Promotes the ‘Silencing Response’ or silent responses (Danieli, 1984, Baranowsky 1997), which is the inability to address the experiences of the consultants, which are overwhelming. Gradually the picture worsens in direct relation to the magnitude of the problem, initially adaptive processes protect the individual, but its repetition of oppressive and often exhausted, generating feelings of frustration and sense of failure, there is a direct relationship between the symptoms, severity, and the responsibility of the tasks performed. The most important concept is that the “Burn-out is a process (rather than a state) and is progressive (accumulation of intensive contact with consultants). The process includes:.

1. Gradual exposure to burnout. 2. Wear idealism. 3. Lack of achievement. The observed symptoms can present as: 1. Physical: fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, impotence, gastrointestinal, etc. 2. Emotional: irritability, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, etc. 3. Behavioral: aggression, defensiveness, cynicism, substance abuse, etc. 4. Related work: absenteeism, poor performance, theft, etc.. 5. Interpersonal: poor communication, lack of concentration, isolation, etc.. Definitely, you have to be careful about this syndrome and to consider further to the above, it is known that working conditions affect the emotional state of worker and could not be an exception (unless they were robots), who play in the health sector. A recent study concludes: “… it is both a personal and organizational problem and probably not only affect the quality of professional life, but decrease the quality of patient care and increase costs provision “.

Do not forget that the aim to adapt and respond effectively to surpass the demands and work pressures, demands and causes of tensions that entail substantial risk of disease and adversely affect the performance and quality of work. Its meaning in English is ‘burned on the job’ and is known in Europe as Tomas syndrome. To treat the syndrome of “Burn-out” and relieve symptoms often turn to products that help reduce nervousness and sleep. However, some of these treatments, such as benzodiazepines, can cause side effects or have contraindications to other medications. It is therefore important to find an effective and safe alternative to enable the carrying out their professional work, but also help you sleep at night and reduce nervousness.


To be able to evaluate and to revise the strategies, the directors need great amount of information. They must be criticized and be analyzed the information that give support to the strategy. He must have precaution for strategies mainly said as ‘ ‘ without riscos’ ‘ , however, (I agree to the author) the simple creation of an Advice of Administration is not enough to guarantee that the familiar company is adopting good practical of Corporative Governana, therefore the good corporative governana has a price, that is, how much bigger the transparency, greater are the risk that if runs in the spreading, for example, of the fragilities of the internal controls or even though of the strategical planning, becoming the corporation most vulnerable the attacks. The authors focam in the adequacidade of code IBGC to the familiar company, where the triad Family X patrimony X society, must also be covered in the familiar companies and the responsibility biggest is of the advice of administration of these. In all familiar company analyzed by the research, had been identified premises directed toward the equity sense? fairness between all the members, respecting itself the participation, disclosure? transparency? accountings, accountability responsibility and compliance of the governana.

I think that as suggestion for familiar company the estruturao of familiar advice and advice of the society would complement the administration advice. The first one would have the mission to function as one frum of dialogues and action the questions of familiar interests, conflicts expectations personal, ethical growth at last familiar subjects and aspects of the expectations of the family in relation to the society that can have impact on the proper family, the property and the management. As as frum that it represents and it manages the interests of the controlling group in the management of the capital, but societrias participation, evaluation of the managers in the strategies corporative, through the approval of the plan strategical. To approve lines of direction, to choose the administration advice, to evaluate financial the economic performance and financial demonstrations. finally the Advice of administration in the protection mission and maximizao of the return of the investment of the shareholders adding value to the enterprise. Watching over for the observance of the values beliefs and intentions of the shareholders in the activities of the similar company of whom the interest of the company always prevails.