First People Fund

In addition, the Fund had prepared for publications in national and international publications 28 articles. If we assume that these materials have read only 5% of the total readership of the aforementioned media, it turns out that our audience monthly amounts to 2.9 million readers, including nearly a million Ukrainians. Fund 'First People' thank the editors of all newspapers and Web sites that publish our articles and materials. We also express special thanks newspaper Kyiv Post for their support and cooperation: all 19 issues of "protecting democracy" were published in the authoritative publication. We also thank all the readers for their contributions to the development of democracy in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, is gaining momentum political pressure and persecution came to power a new president in Ukraine has resumed the practice of political persecution. According to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, during 2010 were arrested on 8 Ministers and Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on charges of causing damage to the state amounting to 2.5 billion dollars for questioning by the Prosecutor General's Office regularly walks and she ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Administration stated that Ukraine is serious fight against corruption, both among the former, and among the current officials, so can not be regarded activities such as political persecution. However, evidence of their impartiality, no one has yet provided. At the same time, the U.S. and EU are definitely showing concern about the spread in Ukraine practice of political pressure and harassment. In particular, the U.S.

Gifts With Their Hands

Gifts made by the hands, can be a hobby or can turn into a business, but more importantly, what do you do them yourself, with love! There are many articles and master classes with detailed instructions for making such gifts – this article will help you make the most of your needlework experience. When you have an idea for a gift, look on the internet alternative manufacturing. Having, for example 3 options for your decor boxes hands or baking a cake, you can easily find the best option, depending on the availability of materials and the necessary skills to do so. If you are looking for an idea, then typing in any search engine the phrase "gifts with his own hands," you will find many sites with a variety of ideas for making homemade gifts. Select those gifts for the manufacture of which you have sufficient experience and the necessary materials and tools.

Think about recipient of the gift. Will he / she is satisfied with the color of the gift? He likes a rough or smooth surface, will assess whether a manual job? Decide how you want your gift to look and add items to the final presentation – Packaging paper, bows, etc. Gather all necessary materials and tools before starting the project. This may sound simple, but many people forget to find a pair of scissors or glue, and then quit their jobs at half way, not having the presence of elementary devices. The work will go much faster and easier if you prepare in advance, especially if the process of making the gift consists of a set of points. Start ahead of time.

Do not wait until the day X to sit down and do it. If something goes wrong or you change your mind, you will need extra time to deal with it. Specimen. Follow the instructions as you can. Even if you plan to make changes, follow the instructions in the first place. Made a gift may not be quite like you planned, and a sample copy candles, for example, can meet you in shape, but have an unacceptable odor. Please note that any part of the project you may have problems and you will need a second attempt to make the necessary changes. If you need help, you will have more time to get it. When you are satisfied sample copy, you can make an actual gift. Have fun and do not worry about perfection – it's what makes the production of handmade gifts so sweet! Repack the gift and its pripodnesite with love!


In this way, from the study of participation form, is identified: ) the participation as presence, b) the participation as verbal expression and quarrel, c) the participation as representation politics, d) the participation as taken of decision, and e) the participation as enrollment, as to follow commented. he situation. (p.35) … 1.2.1. Participation as presence According to agreement of the participation as presence, is participant who belongs to a group or organization, independent of its performance in it as, for example, who is member of a school of a group of professors, of association of parents and masters etc. …, therefore are considered as participant of a group of pupils those that, without same or having or exerting active voice on that they make and what it happens with and in the group as a whole and the development of the lessons, are physically gifts in its activities.

This participation can, many times, to occur for obligatoriness, eventuality or necessity and not for intention and proper will. Other times, however, as mere concession. (p.35-36) … in the case of professors and employees that faces its work mere as job of which it would escape in case that they had another alternative; of parents in Association of Parents and Pertaining to school Masters or Advice of only formal existence, in which requests of the direction of the school act limiting it, of reactive form. … Identifica that the simple presence of a person in an environment, with not-verbal expressions of apathy and indifference with the sociocultural dimension of its reality, exerts negative impact in the same. It is proven, therefore, the inadequate and false significao of participation, in this agreement, that considers the presence physics, present being, as sufficiently so that the person is considered the participant.

(p.36-37) … 1.2.2. Participation as verbal expression and quarrel of ideas Regarding meetings promoted in the school with professors, parents or pupils, objective to argue situations, is verified frequently that the meeting is considered good when the level of ‘ ‘ falao’ ‘ it is raised, and ‘ ‘ participantes’ ‘ they are until satisfied for the chance that has of if making to hear, as judge to be occurring: ‘ ‘ I know that nothing does not advance, but at least people it has chance to talk all together, to know that our colleagues think, and to even know who they are those that are in the one of them.