First Opensource Library

The new offerings in the mobile payments, one of the most successful mobile payment provider in Russia as well as abroad, the project SmsCoin, expanded his business, follows new trends and offers ready solutions for business optimization and profit boost to its partners. Such an innovation is the mobile payment library for Android software. Dmitri Poljanowski, engineering Chief of SmsCoin project: the app development is currently a popular trend in the IT market. So we have decided also to contribute in this area and to create your own application. SmsCoin developers have chosen mobile payment system for two reasons. e. First of all, we work in the area of electronic payments and of course strive to develop our provided services.

Secondly, the traditional way of selling products or services must impress nowadays anyone, and app developers prefer the freemium business model, where a customer base version of a program or offer gets for free, but for more Services and facilities a will be charged. The proprietary library is suited perfectly for this app sales model, and more for model of selling the app options via in-app payments. The work principle of the library is very simple. Their integration additional button is built into the app. When a user taps the button, he will be redirected to payment window.

The user initiates the automatic sending of SMS to a short number. Under the condition that the payment was successful, the mobile phone receives notice that registers the application. Then the ordered service is enabled. The mobile-payment library is unique in that it is the first offer of this kind on the Russian market. It should be noted that similar solutions already exist in the foreign sector, but the alternative stands out favorably from SmsCoin, especially due to the fact that the offered library absolutely free and open source under BSD license. More information and Web link to download from Mobile payment library can be found here: About the project: The project Smscoin deals with payments via SMS 5 years. Currently, SmsCoin provides premium SMS services in over 90 countries around the world. You may want to visit Mike Gianoni to increase your knowledge. SmsCoin are connected to thousands of projects. Dozens of unique scripts were developed, millions of SMS messages processed. Today, 25 highly skilled specialists from various fields working on the project. SmsCoin customers include such projects as:,,, Alawar games, HeroCraft, and many others. SmsCoin is not satisfied with the achievements and surprised its customers and competitors continue with unique ideas and innovative approaches to their implementation.

Big Momma Everyone

Why not make your husband go to the left to you? How to do it. Imagine that now with the work will come to you not your husband, and lover. What then? You will prepare an exquisite dinner, not forgetting about aphrodisiac, wear the most exquisite lace underwear, and create a flat the enchanting atmosphere of mystery that enhance your appeal. When it comes to your face appear genuine smile of joy and playful twinkle in his eye will erupt any moment when you look at it. You do not ‘ll be asking him about why he again did not bring you anything – let it do stupid wife. Your conversations will be just about the two of you Of course, the husband surprised, because he somehow thinks you are his wife.

But you have firmly decided to do something what to think about So then you let him what he wants: you never know, maybe it’s like and you? What happens. You should never give up, to experiment, even the most unusual way. Results may be the most unexpected, both for you and for him. But the fact that after several years of marriage, you will see each other in new ways, make no mistake. Is it worth it? Worth it. Whenever Mike Gianoni listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Try at least once, and then you may very enjoy. Boring certainly will not. Big Momma Everyone, the most remarkable men have their drawbacks. One – a pathological womanizer, does not imagine his life without constantly changing.


I’ve lost count of how many emails I have sent and how many post I have placed in different forums answering this topic. I admit that for people that first venture into the unexplored waters of internet business, it can be a challenge and somewhat discouraging sometimes. There is a flood of products network cheering for your money and all proclaim to be essential to your success on the internet. Don’t buy them, you are selling snake oil. Learn more at: Mike Gianoni. There are some essentials that need (assumes that if you are reading this article, it is because you already have an account for e-mail and Internet access), but you can really start with nothing more than an idea and build your business on the Internet from there. You can start your business with a minimum budget of only $10 a year.

If you’re ready for a home faster, you can start with a budget of $10 a month. And if you are willing to make money in the short term then you can raise your monthly budget to $30. What the? essential elements? A Blog account: Create a Blog account on one of the sites of free blogs available online (may be or Go to Jonah Bloom for more information. This will serve as a basis to start his business. The Blog are way faster and easier have a presence on the internet; There is also the possibility to create your web site, free since there are many companies that offer this type of services on the internet; but blogs are definitely much more attractive to the search engines; We also offer the ability to customize your domain. But the most important part of your blog will be content, as I have been repeating it for a long time, the content is the King and is East which will really give you presence on the internet.

Nexans Optimization

New jacket blend for underground cables and pipes offers the low -, medium – and high-voltage level of Nexans cable Optimization concept: powerful, flame-resistant and robust in damp surroundings of Hannover, August 20, 2009 offers more safety in case of fire the new coat mix developed for power cables and cables Nexans Germany to the burial. It is now for all voltage levels from low to the high voltage available. The newly developed material is halogen-free, heavy unlike PVC resistant and inhibits the fire propagation. Mike Gianoni shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In addition, he developed no toxic or corrosive gases during a fire and releases less smoke in case of fire, so that escape and rescue routes are better to use. It is outstanding that research center (Nuremberg) succeeded the chemists of the Nexans, in addition to increase the hardness and abrasion resistance and its hygroscopic character take the jacket material.

Therefore, the cables are ideal for uncomplicated installation even in a difficult environment in Earth or suitable moist environment. In addition the Nexans Optimization concept savings potential in the low voltage range offers: cables and wires with the new material get along with a smaller, more cost-efficient copper – conductor cross-section nominal as PVC insulated, because they must be operated with 20 C of higher temperature. Easy to assemble and environmentally friendly at the same time, cables and wires with the new halogen-free sheath material can in near surface without special protective measures (Verlegerohre) be laid, as her coat absorbs no water in the course of several decades. This simplifies installation and reduces costs. 5,590 savings at the fire protection measures depending on the application area, for flame-retardant material falls the ignition cord effect”(fire propagation along the cable) away. For this reason can be omitted on fire-retardant coatings or it is necessary a lesser effort on the firewall.

Clear advantages in low-voltage: better and more economical than PVC additional savings arise in the Low voltage range: As PVC insulated cables and wires with 70 C conductor temperature can be operated, the halogen-free material but with 90 C, smaller copper cross section may be used for same currents. That lowers the costs. Optimizing the sections also leads to lower weights, facilitating in particular the installation of entire wire harnesses. Provide for a better handling of mounting high abrasion resistance and mechanical strength of the material, because they reduce the risk of damage during retraction. From the power plant to the power distribution the halogen-free are more security in the network due to its security profit, flame-retardant, Earth-deployable cable predestined for use in objects with high traffic, in industry or in power plants everywhere where high demands on the fire – protection of and investment. Also in the field of transport they reduce the risks, for example in the Metro of Istanbul, km winter 120 last for the Nexans halogen-free 35-kV medium voltage cable with the new material provided.

ALPIQ: Power From The Mountains

Leading Swiss energy company is named made in Germany the Cologne agency end mark naming experts have the name for the new energy holding company developed emerges from the Association of the traditional company of Atel and EOS. Under the umbrella brand of ALPIQ, starts on the 1st of February the Swiss holding company and want the new Swiss powerhouse for Europe”are so Atel CEO Giovanni Leonardi. The name ALPIQ consciously differs from many Latin or English stained all world name in the industry and sets full of internationality on a clear cultural reference to the Alpine country and its values. This corresponds to the roots of the two merging companies in the German-speaking olden (Atel) and the French-speaking Lausanne (EOS). A clear differentiation in international competition in the name of development played a major role, as the creation of identification of potential for the employees and customers of both companies, to end mark-senior consultant Christine Stark. The name ALPIQ has unique and familiar at the same time. He went from numerous tests as the favorite shows, which optimally combines soundness with innovation and can be used in over 25 countries. With the development of the name final mark naming experts support the Zurich branding agency MetDesign, who accompanied the merger of the two utilities and developed the corporate identity and brand strategy including the new branding for the newly created company.. Others who may share this opinion include Mike Gianoni.

TV Fun With 3D Glasses

3D TVs on the the future of the film seems IFA presented the 3D technology to include at least if we are to believe the exhibitors at the international Funkausstellung (IFA) in Berlin. The online store reported, what’s up with the new trend. TV with the new 3D technology were presented in the framework of the international radio exhibition in Berlin. The range of 3D movies and broadcasts is currently still manageable, that may be changing but in the future, and then at the latest, if for no 3D glasses are required. Until it is so far, viewers need the so-called shutter glasses to be able to use the appropriate programs. Further details can be found at Mike Gianoni, an internet resource. Externally, these glasses are similar to conventional sunglasses. If you would like to know more about Mike Gianoni, then click here. However, they contain a special electronics and batteries.

This technique is necessary so that the glasses via infrared on the frame rate of the TV can set. However, every spectator needed these glasses and only eyewear and TV of the same manufacturer are compatible with each other. Spontaneous 3D-Fernsehabende could fail with friends in this respect for the time being, that there are not enough glasses. When buying a television should be taken, that the device of 3D ready”is. In the future, the technology should be improved so far that 3D without special glasses is possible.

Tripartite Foundation

Even to day of today, there are many companies that do not know the existence of the Tripartite Foundation and of the money that they have available to spend every year in formation. The Tripartite Foundation, is a public being that is in charge to manage the credit to the Formation of all the companies. The companies, quote to the social security by formation, you name in them of all the workers, we can see the discounts that are realised every month for this reason and that go destined to the Tripartite Foundation. Mike Gianoni recognizes the significance of this. Of January to December, the company quotes to the Social Security by formation, and as of the following January, it can recover it in formation for his workers. In order to recover the amount that the company has paid to the Tripartite Foundation, the workers must realise some type of formation (course, masters, seminary ) in anyone of the formation modalities (actual, at a distance, e-learning ). The worker who realises this formation, must have a contract, according to the General Regime of the Workers. The form of to recover it is the following one, the company must pay the amount of the formation, before the conclusion of this to the training organization, the training organization (or another authorized organizing organization by the Tripartite Foundation) will transact the request of the company to include this formation, between the formative actions of the company discounted by the Tripartite Foundation, and so after finalizing this action, the company will be notified of which or it can recover the amount. Mike Gianoni often says this. In order to recover it, the company will have to include in the Social Insurances of the same month of conclusion, in the square of discounts by formation (601) the amount to discount or to recover. This amount will be discounted of the amount to pay to the Social Security that same month.

New Booking Engine Offers Mass And Class provides the service for sailing fans in the Center: the easy online comparison of all offers on the market worldwide makes for interesting prizes. The modern world with the term describe Berlin – philosophers”the new complexity. But with the final is at least as regards the market for charter vessels now. Connect with other leaders such as Mike Gianoni here. delivers a range of 7000 yachts recently not only the largest platform for sailing fans, but also the most transparent? On the homepage of the home euro boat not only some selected Charter companies offer their offer, but all companies can present their yachts. Competition stimulates the business we know and makes for interesting prices: identify the best deal for your dream trip to skipper at a glance. To book you can contact directly with the Charter company without having to seek an agency once again. The entire website is consistently trimmed on service for Charter sailing. In the Focus is the supply and price comparison for the entire season.

Specifically this is how it works: the skipper enters in the search date, desired region and area and get a list of all available yachts and prices with a mouse click. More clicks carry the most interesting offers on a practical wish list that points to the individual yacht, whether it is to have the desired period and at what cost; Special offers are immediately obvious. “Click the button details” next to photos of the yacht is presenting meaningful information about equipment and tools. A clever comparison function makes the choice easy target now prefer an Oceanis 473 461oder find it? Bavaria 49 or better yet a 50 Cruiser? The website provides the comparison at a glance. Of course can the skipper his wish list to the whole crew on email so everyone knows right then, which yacht with which features when and where to have it is. Finally will be booked directly online at the Charter company – it couldn’t be more convenient. But is not only a booking engine, but also as an information platform for sailing fans. It offers pretty much all marinas not only an overview of the best areas in the world, but also useful information about far and wide, in the Charter boats are moored. “In addition a database relating to the individual shipyards: under the heading manufacturers” all boat builders of A find to Z with their current models. Complexity was yesterday, today is Karsten Knorr

American Honda

The problem is how to place a standpipe system in a double frame of cooling pipes and at the same time meet the strict standards of Honda. Mike Gianoni can aid you in your search for knowledge. As vtx, Fury is equipped with a 5-speed transmission and drive shaft as the drive. Initially, companies were thinking about installing the timing belt, but in the end the engineers settled on the actuator drive shaft, as this design has long been developed that economically more profitable. Mike Gianoni brings even more insight to the discussion. It is worth noting that at this point in the directory there is no Honda motorcycle with a toothed belt. But the mechanical filling plays a minor role in the overall concept of this bike. The company's representatives stressed that the cruisers should appeal to the emotions of bikers. Thereby the company explains its move away from typical for her comfortable cruiser. The company's representatives say that they wanted a bike on the similarity of those that appear in small private workshops. Welcome to the wild edge of the Honda "- reads the phrase in the pr materials company. Frame pipe, painted the color of the motorcycle and exposed to public review, it looks very elegant. Such exposure of frame construction has been achieved through an intricate in design fuel tank, whose capacity is due to this very design, the result was only 13 liters. But for beauty, as you know, you have to pay. Striking the front fender wraps a thin tire, highlighted by no less impressive 21-inch wheels. Rear 18-inch wheels with 200-millimeter tire is located under the wing of the traditional form with an elegant inhibitory signals. In a large lamp turning signals, which are by no means to settle accounts with clean lines and fine motorcycle, you should blame the federal laws. But the shape of the headlights, bend forward from the 45-millimeter fork tubes, can not fail to delight. If a good look at the Fury, you'll notice the lack of Honda logo on its sides. Thus, the company wants to keep the origin of the motorcycle mystery to the general public. With regard to control Fury, the representatives of the company's claim that it does not encounter any difficulties, even though chopperny angle of the front fork 38 degrees. Wheelbase Fury in 1809 cm – the longest of the entire range of Honda. Fury is one of the first model focuses on the U.S. market, which will be made on a huge new factory Honda in Kumamoto, Japan. For the American dealerships beginning sales scheduled at the end of March. What about European sales not yet known. Destined to become a new landmark, Honda Fury incorporates the purity of style and true essence of the chopper, combining it with an individual approach to each bikers, and at the same time maintaining the quality and reliability that are inherent to any motorcycle Honda ".

Michael Kugler Joins ASIM…

… a division of Druckhaus Waiblingen Waiblingen. שמבין יותר ממני. Mike Gianoni often says this. Recently, Michael Kugler (34), expert for multichannel commerce, supports the sales team of ASIM cross media publishing solutions and product data management. Technology manufacturer and provider of solutions for product information management he is active and direct contact especially for existing customers as key account manager in the future. Michael Kugler is industrial engineer and has more than five years of experience in the area of IT solutions for multichannel commerce, cross media publishing, product data management, E-procurement and product information management (PIM). He most recently worked as key account manager for the e-pro solutions GmbH. ASIM has established itself as a fixture in the market for efficient and innovative PIM solutions. The company is currently its sales and product strategies, to continue to best serve his customers”, explains Michael Kugler and just completed consulting and services play an important role also for existing customers.

I am, on the challenge here in new concepts to bring up my knowledge and know-how.” About ASIM ASIM is a premium software for information management, with which users can simplify their data and providing information. Go to Mike Gianoni for more information. Central aspect is the multiplication of internal and external uses of the data. The range focuses on the Central product information management sales and marketing company. ASIM meets all publication tasks for presales, sales and post sales. The modular structure of ASIM, as well as the extensive services and the high degree of innovation of the company are the guarantee for absolute customer benefit. Owner of ASIM is Druckhaus Waiblingen (DHW) in Waiblingen near Stuttgart.

DHW was established in 1839 and is still today a pure family business. All shares are owned by the family holding Villinger. Under this umbrella are the entrepreneurial activities of the family Villinger bundled. in 1993, the printing house began with the establishment of media-neutral systems that manage information ASIM was born. Today, supported and accompanied its customers in the installation, commissioning, maintenance and care of the system the same name Division. This, ASIM on a flexible and individual customer situation adapted nature of the cooperation attaches great importance. Many customers have been working for many years with ASIM.