Economic Commission

To live in a society in which if it does not have a so disloyal reality as where we live today, as the entrepreneur who contrasts with the beggar asking for almses in the door of the church, is the dream of the majority of the people. Unhappyly the discrimination is present in the different social classes that if relate to the standards and quality of life of the people, where one parcels out possesss ample chances and glamour and another difficulties and poverty. Of a side they are the people of the social class allows them to usufruct of a standard of comfort and easiness in the search of its ideals, making with that, many times, create a superiority thought and believe to be better that the others being able to subordinate them. Of another one, they are more devoid people, where the chances are scarcer and the privileges are displayed of precarious form and generally they are not to the reach of all. The work, the violence and infantile mortality more have the raised indices in this social class. Although the economy has grown sufficiently in recent years in Brazil, not yet it is enough to supply the demand of job for all. The ones that most is prepared, mainly occupying the raised social classrooms more, where the chances of quality education are more present, leave in the front for the one in search so dreamed the vacant one. On the other hand, less the most favored, it has greaters difficulties in the search of its dream.

It has two days (02/06), the Brazilians had only reached the mark of R$ 500 billion paid taxes this year, register made for ‘ ‘ Impostmetro’ ‘ of the Trade association of So Paulo. Mike Gianoni has much experience in this field. It has who defends the collection of taxes to finance the State, as our President said. But I ask: as to finance the State if the money it does not arrive where it would have. If the collection of the paid taxes for the contributors better was distributed, for social, educational ends, the current contrast where we live would certainly go to diminish. The national economy is of wind in poop, however its destination still needs to be coats. Brazil is the champion in social inaquality in Latin America, is what it shows a study of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal). Then, if to want that our society is worthier, more joust for all, becomes necessary the best evaluation and distribution of the collection of the taxes.

Euthanasia For The Megabnus

cover the sun with umapeneira. The MegBnus is in terminal phase. In the truth, doenagrave already existed. The sick person entered in eats deep, after serministrado it poison of the rigorous filter for the emission of the card (they are surprised, exactly being the card daily pay-I pay), she vulgoconvencionou that it to call constraint. He does not have as to deny that the Programaperdeu completely its credibility. not only in Rio De Janeiro.

After all, had been more than two million active, economically involved in the process, disappointed, rebelled adults even. Angus King wanted to know more. with a devastador efeitomultiplicador, speaking badly of the Program. Meanwhile, only half dozen of individuals dares to defend it. Some for having deofcio or pure messianism, and one few for same ignorance. Nomeu agreement, we reach one point of in return. If not impossvel to come back to vender the MegBnus Card, the cost of this excessively laborious and prohibitively dangerous seriapor. Which solution the sersugerida one? Simple: euthanasia in it! We go> to help it to die. as afnix, to make it to renascer of leached ashes.

Stronger, more beautiful, and as this, more longevo (who also knows will not live the cycle of 500 anosatribudos to the bird of mythology Greek and Egyptian). Evidenteque this renaissance could not the same be with name. We would have to queter something as a Platform business-oriented Ita Unibanco. Completamentereformulado, also (and mainly) in its Plan deReconhecimento. Something is created that allows to a residual prescription atrativas sets of ten of professionals of marketing with talent and art, and umbnus initial ( quick start or fast track ) that it holds back the novosafiliados ones. From this, let us make an effort to forget oCarto MegBnus. Or at least, so that it forgets it to the market. Sassim, the ones that we love the MegBnus, we will be able to cultuar its memory to ecultivar its homesickness. The advent of a Program in these molds (Platform business-oriented Ita Unibanco), would be one rquiem glorious parao MegBnus. the redemption for that in it we believe. Nile> Sergio Heifer Diamond MegBnus

Formal Jobs In Slow Recovery

For the first time, the number of acts of contract surpassed of resignations in Brazil in the gathered of the year. After almost losing 800 a thousand vacant in the turn of the year, the market of work of the reaction signals, even so the recovery still is slow and fragile. The formal job presented surplus in April for the third consecutive month, obtaining to revert the crash in the market of work caused for the crisis. The improvement was influenced by the bred vacant mainly in provincial cities, with prominence for the state of So Paulo, on account of the sucroalcooleiro sector. The April balance was positive in 106.205 vacant, result of 1,35 million of acts of contract and 1,244 million of resignations, according to Employed data of General Cadastro of and Unemployeds (Caged) divulged in 18 of May of 2009.Efeitos of crisePode to seem little thing in the comparison with previous years. Without hesitation Economic Cycles Research Institute explained all about the problem. In this period in 2008, for example, the work market accumulated 848,962 vacant.

Since 2004, the number of new jobs with wallet signed created in first the four months of each year always it surpassed 500 a thousand. It happens that in the previous years it did not have the economic crisis that it swept jobs for the whole world and it reached Brazil from November of 2008. Exactly after three consecutive months of increase of the formal job, the number of jobs that the Brazilian economy was capable to still generate is far from covering the loss of November and December, when 695,767 ranks of work had been burnt. Another bad data are that April of 2009 it was the worse April of the series of the Caged since 1999. In the gathered of the year, he is I ruin clear it caused for the world-wide crisis, since, of January the April, had been created 48,5 a thousand occupations before 848,9 a thousand in equal period of the last year.

Fiscal Responsibility

The idea was to reduce the public expenses and to obtain resources for investments in basic capital stock. Fiscal balance, with increase of taxes and cut of the expenditures of the government, mainly the expenditure. Exactly after the enxugamento promoted for Collor, Brazilian machine was very heavy and prodigal. Opening economic, promoting the reduction of some tariffs of importation? Exchange Contingenciamento with the maintenance of the exchange has controlled of the Central banking. Restrictive monetary politics with the famous increase of the basic tax of interests and the tax of obligatory deposit of the banks aiming at to hold the liquidity and an eventual explosion of the demand when the things started to normalize.

The measures that if had followed in the mat of the Real Plan, as the goals of inflation of the public deficit (1999), the law of the Fiscal Responsibility (2000), the exchange politics (1999 and 2000) with the freedom of action of the market forces (purchase and sales) had been basic and essential for the success of the plan and the stabilization of Brazil. She is necessary to leave clearly that the world-wide scene collaborated very for the consolidation of the Real Plan and for its virtues. All the measures had been based in logical and defendable beddings under some aspects. The critics exist, some of the measures can have been taken in bigger doses that the necessary ones, as the case of the interests, but the important one was the final result and the defeat of the inflationary spiral that corroia the public finances generating all order of disobediences, corruption and social injustice. The important one to stand out with respect to any economic measure is the great influence of external and exgenos factors. For example, the 1929 crisis had fort influence in the politics of the national coffee, and the recent ones as the fall of the American stock market in 1987, the Japanese deflation at the beginning of 1990, the Scandinavian crisis of 1992, the Mexican insolvency of 1994, the Asian crisis of 1997, the Russian crisis of 1998 and the attack of 11 of September that paralyzed the world.


The expression ' ' to intervine when necessrio' ' , typical and mstica flag of the neoliberalismo, fell in disuse, if it is that one day was used to reach the considered objectives. If the maneuverers of the executive locomotive badly know to conjugate the verb ' ' intervir' ' , qui will know to search the extension of ' ' necessrio' '. It is certain that the magnanimous devices corroborate so that the State intervenes, minimum, are clearly, in the economic order. But it is certain, also, that the half interpretativos, such as the analogy and the teleologia, are tracks that can lead this Maria Smoke for diverse ways, to the bel pleasure of the conductors. To operate to the light of article 173 of the Constitution is to have the assent to act its proper prerogatives in accordance with, a time that is not easy to tipificar what he would be ' ' excellent interest coletivo' ' , of the caption of the related article, which is: ' ' Excepted the cases foreseen in this Constitution, the direct exploration of economic activity for the State alone it will be allowed when necessary to the imperatives of the national security or the excellent collective interest, as defined in lei.' ' The interpretation, or better, the interpreter makes the party! Because not to collect in face of the project? Because not to collect in virtue of the improvement of project B? However, they are taxes to be able to accomplish what it is foreseen in the Constitution. However, it is an interference that objective to satisfy the excellent interest collective.

The image, presented as study object, is the sketch of the extremities of the intervention of the State in the economy. In the one, interference in the private economy it is so great that the suplication for an end is more than what ftica. In another one, the interference is so favorable that not awaken concerns. Attempting against it the paragraph 4, of the very same article, we verify that: ' ' The law will restrain the abuse of the economic power that it aims at to the domination of the markets, the elimination of the competition and the arbitrary increase of lucros.' ' To arrive at the conclusion of that the intervention of the State in the economy alone has solid endorsement when this to objectify the levelling of the Market so is complicated?


Until there, the addition of programs of stimulaton, fiscal exemptions, emission of currencies and announced headings already and still foreseen goes to arrive the US$ 5 trillions. The heads of State and government had also agreed to improving the regulation of financial system, also for deep of hedge; to compel the fiscal paradises to give information; to remodel the institutions multilateral, giving to be able of vote the emergent countries; to prevent protectionistic measures and to retake the Doha Round; to increase the aid to the poor countries. Beyond the guarantee of resources for economies that to face difficulties, the G-20 presented a package of measures that it intends to strengthen the security of the financial system in order to previnir future crises. They are: – more regulation: all the financial insituies, instruments and markets ' ' systematically importantes' ' , they must be regulated, including hedge funds (of high risk); – payments of executives: new down payments and compensation had been instituted to prevent payment projects that encoragem the execessivo risk and leads to the payment of today fought bond; – bank reserves: the banks must constitute capital more during the times good to obtain to face the bad scenes, but when only to recover. Many banks they had needed capital injections during the crisis; – classification agencies: this company, much criticized by giving high classification for asset that if they had shown risky. they will have an international code of action to eliminate conflicts of interests; – commerce: rejection of protectionistic commercial measures and plus other US$ 250 billion to help to unlock the global commerce. Moreover, an agreement for &#039 was closed; ' to act urgentemente' ' in the conclusion of the Round of Doha of liberalization of the world-wide commerce; – fiscal paradises: &#039 will be plublicada a list of these; ' locais' ' , that they will be able to suffer sanctions if not to agree to the rules imposed for the international community. The thick way the result of the meeting of the G-20 can be considered very positive since the agenda of the rich countries (of the staff of blue eyes) found many points of agreement with the one of the poor countries.

Well truth, that given advancing of the crisis, the world-wide leaders did not have many options, not to be to hold in hands ones of the others and to pray together. Mine v always said: ' ' Of where less one expects that it has left some thing from there exactly that it does not leave nothing! ' '. This time it left. Bibliography: Periodical the State of So Paulo, edition 42,171 of 03 of April of 2009Revista That is Money, edition 600 of 08 of April of 2009Revista of the Week, edition 82 of 09 of April of 2009