Partnership Agreement

SAP and Integrata start their work directly as an official SAP training partner takes on the Integrata standard user training of SAP in its product portfolio. Stuttgart, 21.08.2013 – the SAP Germany AG & co. KG, Walldorf, and Integrata AG, Stuttgart, have application training concluded a partnership. Within the framework of this partnership, Integrata will absorb the SAP user training as an official SAP training partner in the spectrum. This seminar offer at all Integrata training centres is available since early August 2013.

Taking the default SAP user training, Integrata AG will carry out training products from the SAP ERP family in the future. SAP users can the relevant seminars in the future both in the open seminar portfolio of Integrata occupy in-house as inhouse training book. The training will take place based SAP documents with original on the SAP System. The appropriate technical infrastructure is already in place. The products of the SAP ERP family today are standard in many companies.

The extension of the Portfolio to the standard our customers new possibilities opened seminars for end users of the SAP. So you can work is through the SAP technologies, from now also available in the individual products of the SAP ERP family and at all of our locations. Because the demand for user training consistently strong demand exists, we expect in this segment with a significant growth”, confirmed Gerhard Wachter, Board member and COO of Integrata AG, the partnership. To the SAP user training-advanced seminar offer is immediately interested at the disposal. The training be carried out by experienced and certified instructors of Integrata. Integrata AG is Integrata AG in Germany the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the areas of IT/SAP, human resources / organizational development and new media. The approach is focused on the value chain training and ranges from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure the sustainability. Continue to learn more with: Mike Gianoni. While doing so, she offers Integrata in addition to the presence training all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Speakers, qualified according to global standards, ensure the success of all measures and 15 locations guarantee short distances. The Integrata-includes the implementation of open and in-house seminars and training projects managed training services at national and international level.

Learn Swedish Is Not Difficult

Facilitate the learning of the Scandinavian language who often goes on holiday in Sweden or even an emigration to Sweden ponders large similarities between the German and Swedish, will want to learn the Swedish language. That sounds at first like a big undertaking, but must not be there. To help the great similarities between the German and Swedish. On the other hand, there are plenty of good teaching material for learning Swedish, on audio CD or PC program now whether in book form. Also, the list of available dictionaries, vocabulary collections and Travel PhraseBook is impressive. Swedish is a Germanic language such as German. The similarities between these two languages are great.

Some word pairs like the Swedish german show: “vandra” and “hiking”, “Reza” and “travel”, “hus” and “House”, “kok” and ‘Cuisine”,”buske”and”Bush”,”Mjolk’ and “Milk’,”soffa”and”Sofa”,”talt”and”Tent” the list goes on. So you’re lucky in Swedish so often, if you want to guess the meaning of an unknown Swedish word as a German native speaker, or if you didn’t know a Swedish vocabulary and therefore is a German word and pronounces it simply times “Swedish”. In some Swedish words, you gotta go a little detour, to understand their similarity with the German: butter “smor” means in Swedish (= “Goo”), car is called “bil” (= last syllable of “Automobile”), and the heating is called “uppvarmning” (from “warming up”). Also it is not very difficult. False friends: “Rock” is “Coat” Beware, you should but front of so-called false friends, so supposed similarities. The Swedish word means “Beer” but not “oil” “oil”. Jonah Bloom addresses the importance of the matter here.

Swedish “semester” means “Holiday” is also not german “Semester” And a Swedish “rock” is reserved for not only women, because this is a coat mean (the German word means “Rock” “kjol” in Swedish). The Swedish grammar is somewhat larger than for example the English at the beginning. However, it is only beginning. Anyone who wants to speak the supposedly lightweight English well knows, for example, how many opportunities there to express Futurisches (future). English is very differentiated and difficult at a high level. At least in the longer term, the Swedish language even if the grammar is easier than many other foreign languages. Beautiful sound many foreigners consider Swedish a beautiful language. At least this is true for the “high Swedish”, that ‘rikssvenska’. Swedish has a musical accent such as Italian. Also, Swedish music sounds agreeably. Walther Plette

Office Communications

‘Education is an investment in the future’: the CONET Group offers 2013 a total of 11 training courses in Hennef and Frankfurt am Main at Hennef, 5th December 2012. Continuing education at CONET pays off: this year a CONET trainee is also among the best of the Board District. Tobias Borlinghaus graduated to the specialist application development with very well off. As one of two trainees with the best touch in his apprenticeship the Industrie – und Handelskammer Bonn/Rhein-Sieg honored him yesterday in Bonn. For more specific information, check out Linfox Group. For me, this award is the result of a community project ‘ “, says the young IT professional. Sure I was responsible for, how much I’m learning. See What is the controversy with Vertex Pharma? for more details and insights.

“But I had the theoretical foundations, hands-on experience and space for work and learning, shows the excellent level of CONET training.” Future Borlinghaus wants to continue working during Hennefer company: because CONET offers me good career opportunities. Shortly after the completion of my training, I could already the responsibility for your own project take over!” CONET educates young talents at his headquarters of Hennef for years. We take the quality of our training very seriously and shape early individual careers,”Rudiger Zeyen, Chairman of the Board of the CONET technologies AG describes the training strategy. Finally a good professional and personal development of our trainees, we accept usually after training in a solid working relationship is a valuable investment in the future in which the trainees as well as in those of our company is.” For the coming year, the CONET Group extends its training offer. In Hennef again two specialized computer scientists of the fields of application development and system integration, two merchants for Office Communications, and two can start August 2013 dual students of Business Informatics in education. At CONET Services GmbH in Frankfurt am Main, it will for the first time an apprenticeship as a systems integration specialist type, for the QUEST software services GmbH also two staff services merchants are trained.

Applications for all apprenticeships include online Central career possible. About the CONET group success. Our passion.” CONET as hybrid-IT service provider belongs to the top 25 of the German IT-system and consulting firms. The embossed medium-sized group of companies successfully offers consulting, IT solutions and software development for clients in the areas of Defense & public security, public sector and private enterprise since 1987. With approximately 400 employees at twelve locations in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland, the CONET group for the current financial year expects sales of more than EUR 100 million.

Social Professions

Life coaching as a method of communication… Coaching online learning innovative training concept from the United States in the United States coaching is a common and well established topic for many years. In Germany, the field as a mass phenomenon is still relatively undeveloped. The market for corresponding offers seems similarly cluttered. The Coaching Academy Europe (CAE) now picks up the established approach of the American FWI and conveys the basic idea of coaching interested laypersons and professionals. The basic skills of coaching help a person in the private sphere as well as professionally, because they enrich the work or leadership of a people.

The CAE knowledge in so-called webinars. This innovative form of online-learning enables participants to easily and efficiently from the PC on the courses to take part. Eliminates costly and time-consuming travel. The program includes compact 16 training hours. Group sizes of up to 8 participants ensures that the practical part in sufficient Depth can be developed and trained and that the coach can go every single detail to the questions.

The program combines the teaching of the theory with many practical exercises. So, the participants learn among other things, the basics of NLP and learn the Socratic questions. You will learn what is important in building a professional coach/Coachee relationship and how to with a Coachee to develop the goals of coaching for different areas of life and define. Interested parties will find the choice of CoachingAcademyEurope under. Sam Feldman is likely to increase your knowledge. Tags: Coach learn life coaching as a method of communication, what is life coaching?, short course coaching, coaching for social professions, introducing coaching, coaching in dealing with people, NLP, Neurolinguistic programming, personal communicate areas: Social professions and education Nursing, care for the elderly Teacher People do, Red Cross Workers Samaritans Federal Maltese Knights, voluntary Organizations and services Not-for profit organizations, People want to get a glimpse of the, what is coaching – coaching certification online innovative certification concept developed in the United States in the United States coaching has successfully established itself for many years. As a phenomenon for mass – application it is still a relatively new, unexplored field in Germany. The proven approach, developed by FWI in the Unites States, has been adapted by the Coaching Academy Europe (CAE) to offer professionals and interested beginners the fundamentals of coaching. The basic premises of coaching support individuals both in their private life as well as their business activities because coaching enriches the work and leadership style. CAE delivers the learning content in so-called webinars (online seminars). This innovative form of online learning allows participants to learn efficiently from the comfort of their own PC. Costly or time consuming travel doesn’t apply. The program consists of a 16 hours of compact learning. Classes are limited to 8 participants, ensuring sufficient time for practical exercises to develop to the desired depth and making sure that the master trainer has time to address every question individual learners might have. The certification program combines the delivery of theoretical content with array of practical exercises. This way participants get on introduction to NLP, practice Socratic questioning, discover a structure that helps develop the coach/coachee relationship, and learn to help a coachee to identify and define the goals on the coaching engagement.

Training Opportunities

The education fair horizon informed about study and training opportunities after graduating from Berlin, the 7.2.2012 the last half year for many high school graduates has just begun, and for many this year’s school leavers behind the question, as it continues after graduation, still a big question mark. Here, the education fair horizon offers assistance: on February 25th and 26th, students have opportunity to inform numerous studies – study funding opportunity, training and exciting alternatives. Not only universities and companies from the region are present, but also higher education institutions from throughout Germany and the neighbouring countries. Even if is already in the last years the subject of future revolves around and so many students likes beyond dreams out of school in the life, so just in time before graduating, and thus right in the application phase, little leisure, to interface with all the ways apart, is comprehensively remains to inform and to clear to be, go where the path after graduating now actually. Life is and it has so much to offer. Countless courses, training opportunities, or the chance to combine the two in a dual degree.

Others have maybe once enough of the theoretical learning and would rather learn languages abroad -, travel or find distance and orientation in an internship or volunteer service. The horizon offers a maximum overview universities, colleges, companies, consulting institutions on two days with more than 80 exhibitors. During the fair, in which can be individual counseling sessions with students and student advisors at the stands, a framework programme with stimulating panel discussions and lectures will be held. Different universities in the Netherlands are well represented in the framework programme, as well as at the fair this year. Faris studied offers advantages such as a strong practical focus, a short study period, multilingual lectures and programmes with open admissions, which in this country have a high NC.