Consumer Rights

It is worth paying attention to what items will be used to replace (with a certificate or equivalents), 3. Availability of free diagnosis system: only when ordering repair work, in another case – paid (150-300 rubles), 4. Payment must be made not before making an order, and after the actual completion, the maximum – 30% of the cost of the work as an advance payment 5. Replacement of the repaired unit to working. In most cases this is a budget model, the price is unlikely to exceed the cost of your order. Some service centers with insufficient seriousness approach his duties and using their customers' ignorance of consumer rights, impose on them their terms and conditions.

To avoid this, you should have a good understanding for a few rules: 1. When making a repair your cell phone must be sure that a representative of the service center are recorded in the receipt of your problem. It is important that the wizard was dismantled before the phone system ('heart' phone) card in your presence and familiarized themselves with its condition in the presence of corrosive formations and other defects, since signing a receipt for the unit for repair, you automatically agree with the fact that all undocumented damage and defects were acquired before putting it in for repair. 2. Within two weeks of purchase the device at his failure, the consumer may request a free replacement. ('In case of defects in goods, properties which do not address these shortcomings, the consumer may choose to require the replacement of such product by product of good quality or a proportionate reduction of the purchase price or terminate the contract ', RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Art. 18, p.

4). Some sellers who doubt the sincerity of the buyer or trying to avoid responsibility, can pick up the phone to the examination. It is their right, request a receipt of examination with a seal and a list of defects. After completing examination of the seller to replace the problematic phone, what is his duty, enshrined in law (Article 18, paragraph 6). 3. Center, producing a guarantee repairs required to offer phone-in replacement for three days, since you claim to provide such services. If you refuse your request to contact the representatives of the manufacturer. 'For failure (delayed execution) requirements of the customer to provide him with the period of repair (replacement) of similar goods, the seller (manufacturer) or the organization to which a seller (manufacturer) on the basis of agreement with him, have committed such violations, the consumer shall pay for each day of delay penalty (fine) at a rate of one per cent of the price of goods' (Article 21, paragraph 1). Also worth remembering is that the amount of time spent in telephone repair shop should be added to the remaining warranty period of the goods. 'This period is counted from the date of the consumer to demand the elimination of defects in the product before its date of issue at the end of repair' (V. 20, n. 3).