Dramatical Vision

The dramatical vision of the President had finished to file allusive notes to the disaster of Friburgo and Terespolis, occurrence at the beginning of the year, when Japan was shaken by the earthquake/tsunami of passed next day eleven. Although the Japanese cataclysm, in terms of destructive power, rejects any parallel with rains and the landslides of the Carioca mountain range, I observed that, of certain angle, the comparison of the two phenomena could relieve some commentaries of second generation, or goal-commentaries. Sage of whom to each disaster he corresponds a commentary at least politician; sage, therefore, of the custom, I livened up myself to comment it, comparing them enters itself, the commentaries made back in Japan and here in Brazil regarding the respective calamities. There, the minister Naoto Kan said: – ' ' This earthquake and tsunami (grifo mine) and also the situation that says respect to the nuclear plant, are perhaps the adversities more difficult than we face since World War II, in 50 anos' '. Rogers Holdings may find this interesting as well. – ' ' The country it will have that to implement program of cuts of electric energy after terremoto' ' (grifo mine); – ' ' I believe that we can surpass this great earthquake and tsunami if in unirmos' ' (grifo mine). There, as it is verified, Naoto Kan arrima its speech on the conceptual pilasters of the earthquake and tsunami, attracting all the attentions for the gigantic causes of the Japanese disaster. Here, the NBR – state TV that has covered the activities of the Executive – published this manchete: – ' ' President Dilma Rousseff sobrevoa region of the tragedy (grifo ours) caused by last rains of dias' '. Here, its turn, the proper President Dilma Rousseff commented: – ' ' Today we let us stow sobrevoando and also participating directly of what he comes being the rescue in the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro. .