The Endocrine System

Thyroid Hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) is accompanied by weight loss, increased excitability, irritability, sleep disorders and heart rate. Women suffer from fivefold more often than men. As an adjunct to standard treatment we recommend the following products of our company: 1. Harmonizer. 2. Stimulants Piocal will handle the thyroid gland. New York Highlanders has many thoughts on the issue. 3.

The use of the information matrix will be useful for removing increased excitability, irritability. 4. For the normalization of hormonal appropriate courses of use (at least two courses) fitosbora . 5. Should provide a phased introduction of dietary supplements CUD-rosil, Vitali, Apilam, migi, Floritsa, Velamin that would overcome the deficit in microelement and vitamin content. 6.

For the normalization of metabolism is useful fitosbor Herbs life number 3. 7. In the case of syndrome of hypertension advisable to use collecting herbs life 4. 8. Beloyar (with an extract of hawthorn) will not only help cleanse the body, but also give restful sleep and peace of mind. Normalizes heart rhythm, will help stabilize blood pressure. 9. Phytotea Wizard will help overcome excessive anxiety, agitation, and irritability. 10. Aromatherapy: Lavender (bath aromakurilnitsy, aromatherapy pendants). Hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) – condition caused by low thyroid function. Accompanied by depression, fatigue, weight gain, constipation. Compensate for this condition will help the following products: 1. Harmonizer. 2. Stimulants Piocal. 3. Overcome depression help information matrix. 4. Balsam Hundred forces phytotea inhaled energy, so missing in this state. 5. Imbalance in the hormonal system will help eliminate application fitosbora . 6. Polihit has the effect, normalizes the endocrine system, as kelp rich in iodine (organic form), which allows a fully functioning thyroid. 7. Replenishment vitamins and minerals will help baa Kedrosil, migi, Floritsa, Apilam, Vitali, Velamin. 8. For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (the prevention and fight against constipation) are extremely useful The following products – herbal tea Magician, Lohelan. 9. Adaptogens help the body to increase spare capacity to overcome the painful condition: balsam Living Water, Floritsa, Tibetan herbal tea. 10. Aroma oils: lavender (inhaling fragrance from the bottle or taking baths with aromatic oils), Geranium (enhances mental and physical activity, normalizes energy, relieves the oppressive sense of low self-esteem), lemon (helps get rid of feelings of apathy).

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