Educator Souvenirs

When I come across myself with situations of the daily pertaining to school, in the institution of Infantile Education in which work strong appears souvenirs of my infancy and educational trajectory. To the times I look for to compare my innocent souvenirs with the feelings of my pupils, I place myself in the place of them I understand and them better. One day I was to that girl, with fears, ansiedades, curiosidades, and today I am that woman, with fears, forts ansiedades, tempting curiosidades and inspired souvenirs. It has probability of this fact, which I will go to tell, it has influenced in my professional choice, of Pedagoga in the area of the Infantile Education. I leave this question to reflect: It will be that a fact that seemed insignificant for a child (in the perspective of the adult), can thus be so irrelevant? I am only son, and very I was always become attached with my parents.

As the majority of the parents, them they had always been to my side giving to affection and attention to me. I remember many marcantes facts that had occurred in my infancy, however, one that it marked sufficiently in my memory it was the first day where it stows in the day-care center, currently moved for infantile education. My birth occurred in the interior of the Rio Grande Do Sul, in a small city, with few inhabitants. Lucena port is in the verge with Argentina, a calm city, and beautiful. However, of the calmness of the interior, the commitments of my father, as civil policeman, had made in them to go for the agitated city of Canoes. As he was only my father who supported in them financially, and our house was of rents, the food already was not so cheap, as well as was impracticable to cultivate plantation and to create hens, as before. .