
The winery Sartori participated in Banco Assaggio Chiaretto & Bardolino on Sunday March 11, 2012. Go to Joseph Jimenez for more information. The Dogana Veneta in Lazise (province of Verona, Italy) has just hosted the Banco d’ Assaggio Bardolino & Chiaretto wine event. Many wineries, like the winery Sartori, participated at the event, which is dedicated to the classic wines of Garda Riviera and its hinterland. An important and expected event in the Sartori also this year had the honor to participate, presenting his wines. Banco d’ Assaggio Chiaretto Bardolino took place on Sunday 11 March in a wonderful historical building Dogana Veneta in Lazise, on the coast of Lake Garda, in the province of Verona, and was an excellent opportunity to showcase the wines of the year 2011, and try. There are red wines (Bardolino), Rose wines (Chiaretto) and Chiaretto spumante. The visitors had the opportunity to taste the wines of the year 2011 for the first time, which were served by over 60 manufacturers, and they were by the AIS wine waiters Association of Verona in this journey into the world of wine is accompanied. It was also possible that the wines and tasting of local products, such as cheese Monte Veronese DOP to accompany.

The event was organized by the Association of Bardolino protection with the support of the town of Lazise, Veneto, and the Ministry of agriculture, and celebrated their fourth event this year. Although she was born recently, the event is already very popular Banco d’ Assaggio Chiaretto and Bardolino, that admission is free, and expected. Sartori is a Valpolicella wine operation, which has been producing wine for four generations. Sticking to the wines produced by the winery, Amarone della Valpolicella and Amarone di Soave, delle Velezie IGT Custoza DOC, Valpolicella Classico, Merlot and Chardonnay delle Venezie IGT Prosecco, grappa di Amarone della Valpolicella and, of course, Bardolino Chiaretto DOC and classic DOC out. This article was written by Francesca Tessarollo.

We Show – Where To Eat!

WEGLA the Association for the promotion of gastronomy is committed to the task, to inform interested people about the culinary offer and the restaurants in Innsbruck. The restaurant owner will have the opportunity to present your restaurant and pointing out features in this Internet platform. The Association for the promotion of gastronomy wants to give this opportunity not only restaurant owners, but provide also an absolutely impartial assessment. Because many restaurants depend on satisfied customers who share their opinion and recommend restaurants. On Wegla.NET will be presented at the moment more than 180 restaurants and inns, guest houses and inns in Innsbruck and presents.

Who would like to be notified about new restaurants in Innsbruck or changes in assessments, to subscribe to the free newsletter. So stay interested customers always up-to-date and get the opportunity to find your favorite restaurant among the more than 180 restaurants in Innsbruck and evaluate. Connect with other leaders such as cornell capital here. Who is a specific restaurant looking for, or would like to inquire about locations, is pleased about the clearly crafted search function. Search can interested by the following criteria: all search by name, cuisine, rating or even more specific criteria such as accessibility, ease of non-smokers, selection of vegetarian dishes,. Each restaurant will be presented in detail and excellent presents: with photos, map, description of the restaurant.

So restaurant have to inform lovers that include prior to the visit of the restaurant opportunity. is an absolutely clearly designed website, which differs significantly from other. Through the awareness and the low scattering effect, is already a strong marketing tool for restaurant operators in Innsbruck. Visits to restaurants very popular and since Innsbruck like is also visited by many foreign tourists, they consult even in advance of their visit on the Restaurants in Innsbruck. Find out about the great offer at!

Diet And Microwaves

Microwave firmly established in our lives and took its rightful place in our kitchen. And, interestingly, the more increased the pace of our lives, the more we use the cb furnace, because the food they prepared and heated very quickly. That's just not forget that the microwave oven – is not just a stove, even though its called – it has its own characteristics and cooking a few more different operating principle. Microwave heats only the water contained in food – and uniformly and immediately, the entire volume of food – in contrast to the plate, heating the food all at once. Conventional stove first heats food from the outside, and only then – inside. And thawing of foods freezer will take only a couple of minutes – thanks to this particular principle of emitters in microwave ovens. In dishes prepared in the microwave, remain in place all the necessary human trace elements and vitamins – just that and has a "microwave cooking".

Using a microwave oven for cooking, we gain the ability to reduce the number of calories consumed – because it does not require add fat during cooking. In adapting recipes for cooking in the microwave will not have the slightest problem – it is necessary to remember only a few basic principles. In preparing the first meal, pay attention to the fact that the products were covered with a lid, in another case in sw oven you'll find fat on the walls and over-dried ingredients. Among other things, in a microwave oven products heated unevenly, and the heating rate at the edges is much smaller than in the center. Consequently, the products should be placed as follows: in the center – the food, cooking times are longer, and the edges – finely chopped quickly preparing food. Content of sugar or fat content influences the rate of heating products, so purged low in these substances are heated for longer than high. Required to take into account all the above, that products do not overheat. Also remember that food, which contains a large amount of fluid, also cooked much faster than the more "dry".

Sometimes, that would prepare the dish quickly, it can be sprinkle with water. Another advantage of the microwave oven is that it is possible to cook directly in the pot, in which the dish will be served at the table. You can also use a cardboard bowl. We hope our advice helps you achieve culinary excellence with a microwave oven!

Managing Director Martin Gessl

For the region – from the region. IBO-pig what the farmer does not know, that he does not eat. In the 80s it was laughed at for this statement, the exotic was a guarantee for urbanity. However, more and more, that aim to preserve the region, to enjoy, to produce for the home from home. Just so true pleasure unfolds. Three upper Austrian companies take seriously the concept of sustainability and him live in a symbiosis that fertilized it each other and always the region and the enjoyment in the heart.

On May 22, this sustainability Pact was with a party at HAKA in Traun sealed. Three partners who inspire the region. The cateringgroup based in St. Mary’s church stood for honest catering for years. Start at the raw materials quality and enjoyment and you can just taste the difference. “More and more customers opt for a catering the cateringgroup, because we live sustainability, and so I am pleased that we have used another correct step for our region with this Pact”, forward Managing Director Martin Gessl about the successful event.

Spin-offs and conscious. This is the slaughterhouse Oberndorfer from Ried im Traunkreis. The owner-managed company has decided to work, which includes the attributes of regionality, environmental awareness, health, naturalness and sustainability on a food. And the most important criterion in this time: the GMO-free. Together with partners in the agriculture and in the area of animal feed production, succeeded to present the “IBO pig” in the market, whose Einzigartigkeit is second to none. Short transport routes, feed in pure culture and welfare stand for the happy pig of the IBO. The consumer taste the difference and can be enjoyed with a good feeling. HAKA – a pioneer in terms of regionalism. Enjoyment and region are always at the center of the Upper Austrian tradition operations. Already the third generation be Traun kitchens at the site produced. HAKA has always been on the Austrian Market focus and strengthen the region. Gerhard Hackl is Upper Austrian passion and transforms visions into the HAKA Park. “The HAKA, which cateringgroup and Oberndorfer Pact of sustainability brings managing director Gerhard Hackl at the point: what there is more honest than when in an upper Austrian cuisine the Oberosterreichische IBO pig cateringgroup prepared by the honest upper caterer?”