The Council Life

Often, the divorce between who we are and what we do leads to carry two parallel inventory: our life labour or professional on the one hand, and our private life, on the other, which rarely coincide with regard to objectives, levels of satisfaction and commitment, and dedication. Perhaps this is common but it is not natural. Inconsistency ruin many lives personally and economically, and the consequences of working in what we don’t love nourishes the consultations of psychologists, said Raimon Samso, Advisor to psychological professional and author of the book the code of money. The experience of this expert shows that, although it seems a luxury in these times of crisis, it is easier to progress economically when one focuses on working on what he likes and makes you happier, in that which is found in connection with their desires and affinities, instead of thinking exclusively about increasing the balance of the bank account or accumulate material goods. Some currents of thought and labor advisors recommend loving what we do, although not like us or meet at all, although for Rowland, the key to success, the true key of treasure or wealth, lies in endeavour to do what he loves, because to prosper we need to connect with our true person, that that serves as our inner Guide and is beyond social masks. Raimon Samso, improvement and change are always outside the comfortable zone or safety.

And now it is the time of vindicate the courage and daring to create a better life economically. It is time of great changes, especially of mentality. According to the expert, the people do not have problems with money, but with your beliefs about money. Our personal economy is the result of what we know and don’t know, elections and habits. The good news is that a belief, a thought, can always be changed. For Rowland, in a world where everything goes up in price and wages fall, a payroll does not seem to be the solution. If it is win freedom, prosper and have self-control, the correct answer is to undertake own business, based on talent and services to each other, that will be useful, investing little money and lots of imagination. The Council star of this expert is undertaking, undertaking!, create an own source of revenue, add value to the world with a passionate proposal. If one has lost their job and can’t find what deal, has to create their own job, undertaken with heart, do something that creates truth: what love and agrees with their deepest values. Daniel Galilee. Original author and source of the article.