Brazilian Economy

Brazil is an emergent country with its economy in growth. From 1994, with the implantation of ' ' Real&#039 plan; ' it was initiated Brazilian economic stabilization, by means of control of the inflation, that left the platform of two digits to the month for a digit to the year. The regulation of the law of readjustment of contracts, tax incentives, reduction of the tax of interests among others factors, provided to the market the increase in productive investments. E, the growth of productive investments generate wealth and a virtuous circle that involves all the economy, improving the tax collection, new chances and increase of job, wages and income, stimulating the increase of the Gross domestic product of the country. According to economists of the BNDES ' ' the retaken one of the investment is one of the challenges most excellent for the Brazilian economy in the long stated period The Brazilian economy lived, between 2006 and 2008, its more important cycle of investments since the decade of 1970. However, the virulence of the external scene finished for interrupting temporarily the process that was in course The domestic demand became more important factor for the expansion of the investment in next anos.' ' The current readings of the Brazilian economy point economic growth, however, still exist many gargalos that affect its steady expansion, mainly the call Brazil Cost.

For the president of the ABIMAQ, Mr. Luiz Aubert Grandson the Brazilian economy is warm for the strong consumption of the domestic market. However &#039 standes out; ' this consumption comes being taken care of, each time, for products more imported, in substitution to the production nacional.' ' Aubert considers despite the Brazilian industry is competitive and that Brazil is that is not competitive! It says that ' ' Brazil cost imposes a loss of competitiveness for the national industry of the order of 42% in relation to Germany and the U.S.A, without comparing with China The governments need to understand, urgently, that the transformation industry is agonizing, want only isonomy to concur in conditions of equality with the products estrangeiros.' ' On the other hand, although all the gargalos that harm the Brazilian economy, the Gross domestic product of the country in 2010 got 7,5% growth before 10,3% of the GIP of China.