Family Assets

This is to be perceived it not difficult about combining interest of many family assets as large market partners. The VermogensVerbund Inc. is a consortium of investors who have taken their care and the Organization of their family assets into their own hands. Aim of the Association is representing the interests of members to the partners who provide a unique in its kind asset management on an institutional level. The idea of bundling of interests laid the foundation stone for the innovative concept. With the FamilienVermogensVerwaltung, members of the VermogensVerbund Inc.

already have access to a professional asset management with institutional strategies from an investment volume of Euro 10,000. Dr. Michael Kalan, CEO, clarifies the strategies of FamilienVermogensVerwaltung as follows: the current life situation of a family to determine which proportional mix of strategies within the FamilienVermogensVerwaltung is used. Our asset managers, the German Value paper trust, combined in a unique way of two blocks of different risk and yield efficient. the institutional strategies of renowned asset, its suppliers, for eleven levels of risk that each represent a point on the line of the efficiency” In this way every family can build long term their family fortunes after careful financial planning according to their risk bearing capacity and risk emotions”. The initiators of the VermogensVerbund e.G. emphasize the long-term nature of the system as well as the relationship among the members.

Customers want their personal adviser, best life a long-term commitment. The merger of the investors as members of the cooperative creates the conditions for such long bonds. Check out Andrew Mason for additional information. On this basis, two new professions in life were called within the VermogensVerbund e.G. the family caregivers and the asset manager. Volkmar Kubler, Board of VermogensVerbund e.G. formulated these new perspectives, which thus created were: for those Brokers who see their core performance in relationship management, is the new profession of the family supervisor for this ideal, as well as the basis for the long-term assurance of their life’s work. The asset manager of but our cooperative will conduct continue comprehensive financial planning with their clients”. Thus the maintainer in the VermogensVerbund e.G. have the time to do what they do best: to deal intensively with the financial lives of their clients and to facilitate access to solutions. In this way, the customer finally learns the attention he seeks and no longer has received in recent years. Finally good times on the consumers come from the perspective of the Board. The industrialization of the financial sector brings the solutions that have always wanted to have the customer, but so far were not reachable for him. The VermogensVerbund Inc.