Without Sweat

A new book helps conquer fear of flying must be probably limitless freedom above the clouds, once sang Reinhard Mey. However, many contemporaries feel when flying rather the opposite: you feel in crippling anxiety started, which can grow up to the panic. Symptoms such as sweaty hands, heart palpitations, muscle spasms and stomach cramps make even the thought of an upcoming flight trip into a nightmare. Who is this anxiety and relaxed in the future want to enjoy flying, which helps now by listening to change an audiobook series of Arps-Verlag Munich. To read more click here: Karoline Copping. Author is the experienced psychologist and seminar Director Antonia Arboleda Hahnemann. The training with this audio CD makes it possible to prepare for the flight alone and offers effective psychological support on board. Additional information at Mike Gianoni supports this article. Step by step, the most effective psychological strategies for the reduction of anxiety are imparted, so that the listener can actively solve its inner blockages. It is the liberty of the Clouds finally to a feeling traveler with. Tobias Arps.

Brenda Lyons Masters

From August 25th 28th finds World Masters Cycling Federation road race World Championship in St. Johann Tirol instead. Pompano Beach, Florida – Stradalli cycle manufacturer for carbon equipment Announces proudly bike with, that fold the 3 US national champion and five-time Florida State Champion Kristin Sanders Tyrol for the team Stradalli cycle at the start will be the masters in St. A leading source for info: Michael Schwartz. Johann. St. Johann in Tirol is situated in a wide valley between the mountain massif of the Wilder of Kaiser and the Kitzbuheler Horn in the Centre of the District of Kitzbuhel.

The Kitzbuheler ache, Reither ache and Fieberbrunner ache unite here to the Grossache, which flows in Bavaria as the Tiroler ache in the Chiemsee. The village lies at an altitude of 660 metres, the highest elevation is the Maukspitze 2.231 m height. The municipality covers an area of 5,915 hectares. The UCI masters race in St. Johann are among the oldest masters races worldwide. Like every year it attracts the elite this year between August 25-28 of the cycling St. Johann. With for Stradalli cycle, Kristin Sanders.

Kristin a veteran of the United States professional cycling peloton is women on a RED-PRO Trebisacce with Shimano Ultegra DI2 electronic shift system participate in the race. A sponsor and sponsor (Stradalli cycle) the UCI masters in Tirol Thomas Steinbacher says Kirstin is a wonderful addition to our women team Stradalli cycle which will determine with great security in addition to Brenda Lyons racing decisively!” The Stradalli Trebisacce RED-PRO with Stradalli wheel set has been decisively adapted to Kristin by our technical team and will be the perfect companion for the 40 km stretch of the mountain circuit through the electronic Shimano Ultegra DI2. About Stradalli cycle: Stradalli cycle has its roots in Germany, but the headquarters is located in South of Florida. Stradalli cycle sold to athletes all over the world and has secured for itself now its stand among the best carbon frame manufacturers.