The Elimination

This gives an interesting quality of the stabilization of the level of glucose in the blood infusion of green tea can easily be integrated into a diet. But for a more rapid effect, it is preferable to take it in capsules, alone or in combination with other slimming products. Benefits of tea – stimulating. The protein content that makes the tea ideal to concentrate and find clarity in the study or work. -Fight against cholesterol. Tea is rich in phenols, substances and anti-inflammatory properties and is able to strengthen the blood vessels. Drink tea regularly, and make a proper diet can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Gain insight and clarity with Crown Financial. -Diuretic.

Proteins and salts in the area, stimulate diuresis and the Elimination of toxins. Groupon has much to offer in this field. This makes it a beneficial effect on the skin, especially in matters cuperosis. -Gastroenterology. hot tea with lemon drops, support to the digestion. -Diluent. The protein stimulates the intake of calories and gives a feeling of satiety.

-Rehydration. Tea is an ideal drink for people who practice sports, spending a great amount of energy due to physical activity, or they sweat much, and that hot or cold, helps to re-establish lost salts. -Helps prevent cavities. Tea contains polyphenols that prevent cavities because they have an action antiplaque similar or even more powerful than the fluoride in toothpaste. . Rejuvenating. Green tea is also gaining a reputation for elixir of youth due to its high content of polyphenols, which leads to that known to be a powerful antioxidant. Diet breakfast 1 tea cup of green tea without sugar 1 cup skim milk dextrine 1 slice of bread with honey 1 teaspoon jam or light tomorrow 1 half a cup of red tea with a teaspoon of food option 1 orange blossom honey:-casserole of vegetables (green beans, carrots, leeks) steamed prepared with a teaspoon of olive oil – 100 g cheese without fat – 1 kiwi – 1 infusion of lima option 2 – mixed salad with watercress, Endive, grated carrot and soybean sprouts. Seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil and cider vinegar. -120 g of chicken breast grilled – 1 comprehensive bar – 1 PEAR baked with cinnamon – fennel tea option 3 – 80 g of brown rice or pasta with tomato sauce natural gluten – green salad to taste with oil and vinegar with spices – fennel tea Picnic – a cup of red tea with a teaspoon of honey orange blossom dinner option 1 – puree or vegetables (Leek cream(, mushrooms, carrots, or asparagus) – mixed salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot) – 120 g of chicken or Turkey roasted oa option 2 grilled – vegetable soup with integral noodles – 2 fried eggs – 150 g of grilled fish – 1 slice of bread of dextrin – 1 block – infusion of tila option 3 – pureed vegetables (Swiss chard, spinach, leeks, onions) – Rosbeet with juice of lemon – steamed vegetables (beans(, carrots, onions)-1 / 2 portion of bread dextrin – infusion of tila original author and source of the article.