All Kinds Of Advertising

For Providence kinds of promotions or to participate in the exhibition, the commonly used promotional stand or, as they are called, mobile stands. Promotional Rack is a mobile advertising equipment that can be installed without any problems in a particular retail outlet, whether it's a small shop or large supermarket, for promotions, as well as on the exhibition area. Today, promotional stands become an integral part not only of promotional campaigns and events such as exhibitions, conferences and seminars. Mobile stands are compact enough when assembled, they can easily move one person and easy to Installation – almost all of them are created in such a way that forces them to collect even if you're in such a case the person so you can not draw any specialists to conduct promotions, except the promoters. Time for the assembly can not take more than five or ten minutes without using any special tools. Manufacturers of promotional stands, as a rule, presuppose that perform the task of assembling the display will people who previously have not had to do it.

Therefore, assembly is simplified, and each display promotional rack is equipped with a detailed scheme of the assembly and is made of light, but at the same time, strong materials. Promotional stands may well work to promote a product or brand in and of themselves, you only put them on an image that attracts attention and set in a public place. Especially often this advantage is the participation in the exhibition. After the appearance of racks is significantly different from the standard exhibition booths offered by the organizers of the exhibition. Basis of the design can be collapsible aluminum frame in which to insert a plastic or cardboard sheet. The visible surface counters glued promotional adhesive tape on which the picture is marked with your product or logo company.

Cardboard displays can withstand the weight of not less than plastic – it's about twenty-five pounds on the shelf, unless there is a need for a promotional stand such capacity. For example, for In order to place it directly on the product itself. It is worth noting that, before a promotional stand out of cardboard and plastic are placed slightly different tasks. The first version of the racks are well used, for example, in deriving the new product to market, the entrance to the distribution network or attract consumers to the product. This colorful and cost-effective solution with not very long life – about six months. That's why promotional rack made of cardboard, often used in the field of sales, promotions within the food or other consumer goods. But if you need a static display for a period of more than a year and change it in your plan is not included, it is best to pay attention to Plastic promotional stands. It is this option used most often to participate in exhibitions. At such a promotional stands, often placing the company logo and some information about it. The main differences from the cardboard stand Plastic is the difference in price (cheaper than cardboard), in terms of production rack (plastic is made longer), in long (plastic will last much longer) and, of course, in the appointment, but rather in the possibilities operation (plastic can be used outdoors and in other, more hostile environments, compared to closed the shop). ?? Use promo racks allow you to significantly improve the efficiency of moving goods or brand on the market.