Adult specimen flycatcher does not exceed 15 cm in spring it blooms with white flowers on long peduncles. Venus flytrap catches and absorbs not only flies but also other insects. The trap consists of two halves, wings, their structure, it resembles the drop-down shells of mollusks. Along the edges of the valves are 2 rows of teeth. Along the inner row of teeth trap located gland.
These glands produce and secrete pleasant-smelling nectar nasekomyh.I attractive if a bug was trapped, he can not get out of there. The trap closes tightly. And the same glands produce digestive juices already. Insect completely lost in this liquid. Trap remain closed for several days.
Each trap is designed around 3 digestive process, and then it dies. This carnivorous plant is very rare to see in a flower shop. But if you're lucky and you bought it, Here are some tips for caring for a plant-'predator'. The best time to plant (transplant) Dyon – early spring. The size depends on the saucer Dion. For planting, a mixture composed of sphagnum moss, 75% and 25% mix for rooting cuttings. This mixture should be well watered. During the spring, summer and fall to bowl with a plant at all times to keep the pallet from the water. Never let the soil dry out! The substrate must always be wet. Watering Dyon best rain or purified water through the filter. If your plant-'predator' – it does not mean that you specifically need it to feed insects. This should be done. But if you think that the plant is still Hunger – Feed the fish to a solution of half-emulsion (water in the soil to bowl!). Basic Food flytrap gets out of the peat mixture, in which he lives. Dioneo light-requiring. Sill – a perfect place for her. It likes moist cool content with the abundance of fresh air. In the winter Dioneo falls into a state of rest. Your task in the winter – remove dead leaves and traps. Do not run 'by hand' mechanism traps flycatchers. This way you shorten the life of his gourd. Useless slamming them weakens the plant. It begins to blacken and die.