Niels Bohr

Latches on to what is important and not waste their energies on what is not worth it. And when things go Is this individual had a "grand slam"?. Energy is that these arrows were so kindly helping to clarify their sincere search and stoke their footsteps. What luck! The chance is still being studied How wonderful that we have encountered a paradox!. Now we can finally expect to see progress.

" Niels Bohr said. Honestly: you arrive at the same hopeful conclusion to a paradoxical response? Those working the flowers as they deserve, they feel strong progress in their lives. Hear other arguments on the topic with SHV Energy. The others are stunned, disappointed, angry at his ignorance, suffer breakdowns and complain of bad luck while taking medicines to ease the discomfort of the moment. Good luck is also available to you if you have to cultivate the character and energy that you must cultivate in yourself and no other. If each deal with his own, the world would lap faster …

You can go anywhere as long to walk far enough, said Lewis Carroll, a mathematician. He added: one is so impatient with himself that he never gets irritated with his own stupidity. Maintain high levels of ambition of intelligence. The chance is still being studied. It also prints in our magnetic field stop the flower essences. When we got to support us with these beneficial energies of nature is that contagious energy. Print force to what we do and who we love. We are happy with the pace and direction things take.

Sustainable Economy

Is as if the man was tirandoa cover of the part north of the planet, affirms professor Peter Wadhams. PROPOSTAOUSADA Substance of the State agency, published noportal, in 23/11, informs that, beyond the voluntary goal dereduo of the emissions of effect gases greenhouse between 36,1% and 38,9% up to 2020, oBrasil one will take another one trunfo for the COP15. The government will present one percentualabaixo of 5% in the emission of gases for the deforestation of the Amaznia in aototal relation emitted by the country (…). The fall of the resultant emissions of it deforests dAmaznia in relation to the total of the country must it the reduction of the deforestation nosltimos four years. the proposals and examples of Brazil are emsintonia with seeming of the secretary-executive of the Convention of the Climate of the NaesUnidas, Yvo de Boer, of that does not have plan B for Copenhagen. only has a plan wants to A.E to say It action. How thus either! ECOEFICINCIAECONMICA Very still remains to be made to diminish oimpacto of the activities human beings in the environment, give birth passu to the search of methods of sustainable growth daeconomia. The last natural catastrophes and its funestas consequnciastrouxeram a message: the ambient question became economic subject.

In deposition to the Current program Conta, of the News Globe, Combed Hugo economist alerted for fatode that, until the present, no model of the economists recognizes aimportncia of the ecological services, of the resources of the Nature for the processoeconmico. Then a new mensurao would reflect the contribution of the planet. Still more important it is the form for which these services will go to remain numlongo stated period, because it is this that is in game today. Great part of the services quesustentam all the life in the Land, also the proper economy, is threatened. Everything this in them makes lembraro that affirmed Jesus regarding a great tribulao as never had nemjamais will happen again (Evangelho Mateus consonant, 24:21). The science andapreocupada with such possibility. Cost, therefore, not to think about the word of the Master, without preconceptions or taboos.