Jewish National Fund

In the context of the 60 year celebrations, you can now put a sign and dedicate a personal message. In may, Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary. Should you fail to travel here to the planned celebrations after Israel is the opportunity to be a part of this special event. Please visit Lakshman Achuthan if you seek more information. About the post card service you can order original 60 years anniversary postcard online that the Freu(n)de and support for Israel as a sign. This is hand labeled with their individual wishes, stamped with an attractive commemorative stamp and sent on their behalf to the intended recipient in the world directly from Israel. The revenues of small service fee of 5 euro supports reforestation projects of the KKL, Jewish National Fund as also various children’s aid projects in Israel. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Michael Schwartz. Celebrating 60 years of State sovereignty and the 3500-year-old link to a country, a faith and the people who always believe that WINS hope over despair. Holy Land mail offers personal and inspirational postcards from the Holy land for many other occasions and religious holidays. Focus your message and visit:. Sam Feldman is often quoted on this topic. Sonja Uske