Common Steel Doors

The main task of any door is to protect homes and property from unauthorized intrusion. But I always thought that the front door with wrought not only protects the housing and carries out also an aesthetic function – to decorate the house, complements interior, etc. Argued that the steel doors – the lot of banks and enterprises, since they are not very attractive. But it can be argued. Modern construction market offers a huge selection of steel doors to suit every taste, any configuration and tseny.Suschestvuet huge number of varieties of steel doors, so the buyer will not be difficult to choose the door that is right for him – the input, access, Fire, tambour, and many others. Of course, they differ in design, quality and appearance.

And each species to pursue their claims. All steel doors are similar in design: they consist of the metal skeleton with ribs, steel plates welded to it with one or both sides (depending on the type of door) and a metal door frame. Cavity between the sheets filled with insulation (typically mineral wool). Type door also determines the presence and completing the remaining elements of doors – handles, locks, eyelets, loops, etc. What you need to know to choose a steel door, which is ideal for you? Firstly, it should clearly define exactly what you want the door, and what requirements you are bringing to it. You must read the range of products offered on the market. And it is huge, offers doors with glass, Fire, established manufacturing arched doors.

If you are looking for the door, it must combine a lot of qualities – to be strong, durable, reliable defense of home and of course, have an attractive appearance. K Technical doors are requirements of another kind – tightness, insulation, etc. Watching the purposes for which you are installing a door. Further, according to the type door, note the thickness of the leaf – it usually ranges from 1.5 to 3 mm. It also depends on the manufacturer. Foreign firms do not let the door with a sheet thickness of 2 mm, so if you want to trehmillimetrovoe canvas, please contact to domestic producers. Except Furthermore, if you need custom door, should be invited and order the manufacturer. Of course, in this case, you also better to give preference to domestic doors, as doors often imported produce sample sizes. Particular attention should be given to fixtures. Locking system must meet the door design and the degree of protection. Note the loop – they must be of high quality and can withstand the weight sash. Usually set a 2 – 3 loop. And finally – finish doors. By the choice of finish should be treated with special care. After all, it determines the appearance of your door. Types of finishing materials, there are many: Natural wood pulp, veneer, mdf panels, laminates, etc. In addition, doors can be covered with painting and its varieties – powder-coated, nitroemal, graphite painting, etc. It is for finishing doors You can display their design skills and turn your door into a work of art. Taking into account all these factors, we can say with confidence – now you can pick up a steel door, which not only safely protect your home, but also perfectly fit into any decor and will complement it.