June Campaign

Saving guides enlighten on power consumption and motivate Facebook Berlin captured to save / climate protection campaign, June 08, 2010. The situation seems paradoxical: Although there are always more efficient electrical appliances in German households, the power consumption increases for years. To 21 per cent, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. energy balance estimates the increase of electricity consumption in private households between 1996 and 2007. “The non-profit co2online GmbH offers from now in the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” under a quick review for the own consumption and detailed current guides to subjects such as refrigerators and standby losses. The majority of consumers has their power not just in sight. After the annual current account is paid once, the subject device quickly again in the background, explains the co2online’s Managing Director Tanja Loitz.

The new QuickStart StromCheck express”here. He assessed in a one-step own electricity consumption in the Compared to average households and thus explains to the user quickly about their own consumption behavior. In addition to the consumption, annual costs and CO2 emissions compared to the average are analysed and shown the optimum achievable. The fast guide offers a redirect to extensive energy saving advice on the subject of power, as well as numerous Stromspartipps in the connection. We hope to see with the low-level entry, to motivate users to make substantial energy savings”, as Sam Landry. With the quick start and a related topic special on the site, the climate protection campaign offers a comprehensive information on the subject of power consumption. Alone the standby consumption of devices that run around the clock, can make up 50 percent of a household’s electricity consumption. How much is exactly its own standby consumption, can be determined quickly with a further energy saving Advisor on climate search schutz.de, StandbyCheck.

Climate protection campaign captured Facebook climate protection and energy-saving: topics, the largest social network Facebook with little sustainability have been represented. Therefore the climate protection campaign launches the StromCheck at the same time as Facebook application and thus brings the theme of energy saving in the middle of the network community. Are you what type of power under the motto”anyone can on Klima.sucht.Schutz evaluate its power consumption in a fun way and can be classified as one of five types of power. It has the climate protection campaign by fairy tale motifs inspired and can speak five memorable characters for themselves. To stand out from the predator Hotzenstrom”to King reactor power to be able to develop, the application first behavior Tips provides the user with the analysis and passes on the information and guidance of the campaign website. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, Science, politics and administration motivates individuals, to also save money with active climate protection. “” “co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de), the heating level campaign “(www.heizspiegel.de), the pumps campaign” (www.sparpumpe.de) and the Energiesparclubs “(www.energiesparclub.de). All campaigns are funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contact: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. (Not to be confused with Nouriel Roubini!). 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 210-2186-16 E-Mail: