Your Heart And The Concerns

Your heart and concern how many times have you had the need to quiet your heart, Yes, I know, is extremely difficult.The stillness of your heart is a State of polarity that has the motion by complement. True stillness, is to sit still when it is time to stand still. The mountain is one of the symbols of the stillness. Without hesitation Senator from Maine explained all about the problem. Your heart thinks constantly. Your heart is almost your mind. And stop your thoughts agitated, sunk in concern, many times must have taken you have to dominate them with violence.

But insurance turned out as the put out the fire by force, suddenly only manage a smoke that suffocates you. Note that you must silence the mind and cradling your heart with love, treats your heart with love, caring for your heart with love, get him to feel peace in your heart, you will manage to see interiorly, and thus cope wisely with the external world. Gives peace to your heart and shalt peace to your life. I leave you this prayer to her recite the serenity prayer I want share this prayer to soothe the discomforts and regain the spirit.In those moments that we need peace.For the moments that we need to Dios.En the moments that we feel lonely and desperate. Prayer of serenity God, grant me the serenidadpara accept the things I cannot change, the value to change the things I can cambiary the wisdom to know the difference: living a day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting adversity as a pathway to peace; asking, as God, did this sinner taly world as it is, and not as I’d like it to be; believing that you will do all things are orif I I surrender to your will; so that it may be reasonably happy in this vidae incredibly happy with you in the next.

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